1、The Personal Interest Project,NSW HSC Society & Culture,The Structure of the PIP,The PIP is made up of Introduction Central Material Conclusion Log Resource List Appendices,The Introduction,The introduction will be a brief description (no more than 500 words) What the topic is about Why this topic w
2、as chosen In what ways it contributes to a better understanding of Society and Culture. The choice of methodologies should be explained and justified The cross-cultural component specified.,The Log,The log should be based on the students personal interest project diary and will be a summary (no more
3、 than 500 words) of the sequential development of the final product, outlining the procedures undertaken in researching the topic.,Central material,In written form, may be accompanied by photographs, tables, graphs and/or diagrams that should be labelled and incorporated into the text through discus
4、sion. Length between 2500 and 4000 words. It must contain a cross-cultural perspective, that is, a perspective different from the students own. The cross-cultural perspective should be integrated in the central material of the personal interest project,Conclusion,The conclusion will be a statement (
5、no more than 500 words) of what the student learned from the personal interest project.,Resource List,A list of annotated references used in the personal interest project and/or a list of other kinds of resources, for example, films, Internet-sites or video programs referred to during the preparatio
6、n of the project and resource persons (eg people interviewed). The references should be accurate, publication/production details included, and in the case of internet sites, the URL, access date and a short annotation added, outlining their usefulness to the personal Interest project.,Considerations
7、 in the Preparation of the Personal Interest Project 1,The project develops from the concepts, methodologies and subject matter of the syllabus as a whole. ( 30% HSC mark) The course outcomes will be used to assess the personal interest project. The following should be considered in the preparation
8、of the PIP,- Clarity Is the topic clearly stated and are the purposes and procedures of the personal interest project clear? Conceptual Content Does the personal interest project reflect the fundamental concepts of the course plus additional, more specific concepts? Methodological Content Does the p
9、ersonal interest project demonstrate some of the methodologies essential to the Society and Culture course plus any other distinctive procedures? Are the methodologies appropriate for the topic? Is there evidence of a systematic approach to the study of the topic? Is there an awareness of both the l
10、imitations and the values of the methodologies used? Students should consider the ethical implications of both their topic and the methodologies they employ to research that topic. Subject Matter Content Is the subject matter accurate, relevant to the topic and adequately explained for the purposes
11、of the project?,Considerations in the Preparation of the Personal Interest Project 2,Cross-cultural Content Does the topic reflect some knowledge and understanding of viewpoints different from that of the immediate culture of the student, for example, in terms of generation, socioeconomic group, gen
12、der, ethnicity or location? Integrative Skills Has the personal interest project integrated various aspects of Society and Culture? Does the personal interest project achieve a coherent structure? Do the conclusions proceed from the statements in the introduction and the arguments presented in the c
13、entral material? Is personal experience related to public traditions of knowledge? Communication Skills Has the student effectively communicated her or his ideas to the external audience of examiners? Originality Does the personal interest project give evidence of originality in design, execution an
14、d analysis?,Certification,Certification will have two components. Firstly, the student will report their progress at three points during the process. Both the student and the teacher will sign these reports. Secondly, a final statement that the personal interest project is considered to be an origin
15、al piece of work carried out by the student will be signed by the principal, the teacher and the student.,APPENDICIES,The syllabus does not mention anything about an appendix If you have created something you are proud of like a survey you may want to include it Just be sure it is great quality,Deadlines & Guidelines,,Your PIP should enhance Social Literacy,,