1、沃 亞 1I am so happythat I can stand here talk to you guys No matter when and where ,it is always around me .No matter I am happy or sad , it is always company with me .So I take music as a good friend in my mind .I like music because music can bring me pleasure and encouragement . Music is every wher
2、e n o waday s . So me p eo p le thin k music p lay s an imp o rtan t ro le in so ciety . Others thin k it is simp ly a fo rm o f en tertain men t . As far as I am concerned , whatever the argument, it makes sense believing that truth is beauty and beauty is truth, and that music is both. Music is no
3、t just a form of entertainment . In some way it can also reduce the patients pain , so some hospitals are using music to treat their patients. Music is really good to our health. It can refresh our brain after long time hard work . It can also make us forget our sadness . In my free time I usually make full of time to listen to music . In music I have found the virtue of human being , the value of ourselves and the beauty of nature . Music and I are so closely connected that we can not separate forever. thanks !