1、中國醫(yī)科大?學(xué)2013?年7月考試?《開放英語?4》在線作?業(yè) 試卷總?分:100? 測試?時(shí)間:--? 試卷?得分:10?0 一、單?選題(共5?0道試題,?共100分?。)得分:?100 1?.-We ?are g?oing ?to ha?ve a ?danci?ng pa?rty t?onigh?t. Wo?uld y?ou li?ke to? join? us -?( ). ?A. I'?m afr?aid n?ot. B?ecaus?e I h?ave a?n app?ointm?ent w?ith m?y den?tist ?tonig?ht B.? Of c?o
2、urse? not.? I ha?ve no? idea?. C. ?No, I? can'?t D. ?That'?s all? set ? 答案:A? 滿分:2?分得分:2? 2.It? was ?( )ho?t tha?t we ?had t?o ope?n all? the ?offic?e win?dows.? A. 不?填 B. ?too C?. so ?D. su?ch 答?案:C 滿?分:2分得?分:2 3?.-Wou?ld yo?u lik?e a c?up of? coff?ee -(? ). A?. It'?s ver?y kin?d of
3、 ?you B?. No,? I wo?uldn'?t C. ?Yes, ?pleas?e D. ?Here ?you a?re 答?案:C 滿?分:2分得?分:2 4?.He w?orks ?in th?e sam?e com?pany ?( )I ?do. A?. whi?ch B.? that? C. a?s D. ?like ? 答案:C? 滿分:2?分得分:2? 5.-I? got ?an A ?in Ph?ysics?. -( ?). A.? Don'?t wor?ry ab?out i?t B. ?Congr?atula?tions?! Tha
4、?t's a? diff?icult? cour?se C.? You ?are v?ery g?ood D?. Goo?d luc?k to ?you! ? 答案:B? 滿分:2?分得分:2? 6.Sh?e is ?( )of? snak?es. A?. afr?aid B?. fea?ring ?C. te?rror ?D. ho?rribl?e 答案?:A 滿分?:2分得分?:2 7.?Can y?ou he?lp me? ( )t?he ba?g ple?ase A?. at ?B. wi?th C.? for ?D. to? 答案:?B
5、滿分:?2分得分:?2 8.T?he ad?verti?semen?t can? ( )s?een i?n all? the ?top n?ewspa?pers.? A. 不?填 B. ?being? C. t?o D. ?be 答?案:D 滿?分:2分得?分:2 9?.-Wha?t are? you ?major?ing i?n -( ?). A.? Medi?cine ?B. At? a co?llege? C. I?n a u?niver?sity ?D. It?'s ha?rd to? say ? 答案:A? 滿分:2?分得分:2? 10.H?e h
6、as? spen?t fiv?e yea?rs ( ?)the ?novel?. A. ?at wr?iting? B. t?o wri?ting ?C. in? writ?ing D?. wri?te 答?案:C 滿?分:2分得?分:2 1?1.-Wh?at do? you ?think? of h?is su?ggest?ion -?( ). ?A. No?, I d?on't ?belie?ve it? B. I?t's h?ard t?o say?, act?ually? C. S?orry,? I ca?n't r?ememb?er he?r D. ?I n
7、ev?er th?ink o?f him? 答案:?B 滿分:?2分得分:?2 12.?They ?had s?uccee?ded (? )the? task? in t?ime. ?A. at? comp?letin?g B. ?to co?mplet?e C. ?in co?mplet?ing D?. com?plete? 答案:?C 滿分:?2分得分:?2 13.?This ?is ve?ry im?porta?nt. Y?ou ( ?)reme?mber ?to sh?ut do?wn yo?ur co?mpute?r eve?ry ev?ening?.
8、A. ?shoul?d B. ?must ?C. ou?ght D?. nee?d 答案?:B 滿分?:2分得分?:2 14?.-May? I us?e you?r bik?e to ?go sh?oppin?g -( ?). A.? Yes,? I gi?ve it? to y?ou B.? Cert?ainly?. The?re it? is C?. Yes?, I'd? love? to D?. I'm? not ?sure ? 答案:B? 滿分:2?分得分:2? 15.-?Hello?, cou?ld I ?speak? to D?on, p?lease
9、? - ( ?) A. ?Who a?re yo?u B. ?Who's? ther?e C. ?Who's? spea?king ?D. Wh?o cou?ld I ?help ? 答案:C? 滿分:2?分得分:2? 16.B?y 205?0 the? leve?l of ?indus?trial? poll?ution? ( )d?anger?ous l?evels? in m?any c?ities?. A. ?will ?have ?reach? B. w?ill h?as re?ached? C. w?ill h?ave r?eache?d D. ?will
10、?reach? 答案:?C 滿分:?2分得分:?2 17.?They ?discu?ssed ?the p?roble?m thr?ee or? four? time?s, bu?t cou?ld co?me to? no (? ). A?. end? B. r?esult? C. c?onclu?sion ?D. ju?dgeme?nt 答?案:C 滿?分:2分得?分:2 1?8.I a?m ver?y ( )?in re?ading? book?s. A.? inte?reste?d B. ?favou?rite ?C. li?king ?D. lo?v
11、able? 答案:?A 滿分:?2分得分:?2 19.?The c?ourse? was ?( )go?od th?at I ?told ?my fr?iend ?to do? it. ?A. su?ch B.? very? C. s?o D. ?extre?mely ? 答案:C? 滿分:2?分得分:2? 20.W?ould ?you m?ind t?ellin?g me ?( ). ?A. wh?ere a?re yo?u fro?m B. ?where? you ?were ?from ?C. wh?ere y?ou ar?e fro?m D. ?you
12、 a?re fr?om wh?ere ?答案:C ?滿分:2分?得分:2 ?21.-H?ow of?ten d?o you? go t?o the? cine?ma -(? ). A?. I l?ike c?inema?s B. ?Last ?week ?and t?he we?ek be?fore ?C. I'?ve ne?ver b?een t?o the? cine?ma D.? once? a ye?ar 答?案:D 滿?分:2分得?分:2 2?2.You? ( )p?ut th?e pas?sport? in t?he su?itcas?e, I ?may
13、 n?eed i?t at ?any t?ime. ?A. mu?stn't? have? B. w?ouldn?'t ha?ve C.? shou?ldn't? have? D. w?on't ?have ? 答案:C? 滿分:2?分得分:2? 23.T?his i?s ( )?I hav?e eve?r rea?d. A.? the ?bette?r nov?el B.? a be?st no?vel C?. a b?etter? nove?l D. ?the b?est n?ovel ? 答案:D? 滿分:2?分得分:2? 24.T?he te?acher
14、? has ?done ?all (? )he ?can t?o hel?p her? stud?ents.? A. w?hich ?B. wh?at C.? - D.? when? 答案:?C 滿分:?2分得分:?2 25.?-I've? got ?two t?icket?s for? the ?match?. Sha?ll we? go a?nd wa?tch i?t tog?ether? -( )? A. T?he ti?ckets? must? be e?xpens?ive. ?B. Th?e mat?ch mu?st be? exci?ting.? C. W?
15、hy no?t Let?'s go?. D. ?The p?lace ?is to?o far? away?. 答案?:C 滿分?:2分得分?:2 26?.( )y?ester?day, ?I wou?ld ha?ve as?ked h?im no?t to ?do th?at. A?. Pro?vided? he c?ame B?. if ?he ca?me C.? If h?e had? come? D. H?as he? came? 答案:?C 滿分:?2分得分:?2 27.?Toxic? chem?ical ?must ?( )sa?fely.? A.
16、t?ransp?orted? B. b?e tra?nspor?ted C?. be ?trans?port ?D. to? be t?ransp?orted? 答案:?B 滿分:?2分得分:?2 28.?He ow?ns 3 ?facto?ries ?( ). ?A. em?ployi?ng 10?0 peo?ple e?ach B?. emp?loyin?g eac?h 100? peop?le C.? each? empl?oy 10?0 peo?ple D?. eac?h emp?loys ?100 p?eople? 答案:?A 滿分:?2分得分:?2
17、 29.?Are y?ou ( ?)of t?he mi?stake?s you? have? made? A. a?ware ?B. su?re C.? clea?r D. ?knowi?ng 答?案:A 滿?分:2分得?分:2 3?0.It ?( )me? two ?days ?to fi?nish ?the r?eport?. A. ?takes? B. s?pends? C. c?osts ?D. pa?ys 答?案:A 滿?分:2分得?分:2 3?1.-I'?m afr?aid I?'ve g?ot te?rribl?e flu?. -( ?).
18、 A.? Neve?r min?d B. ?Keep ?away ?from ?me C.? You'?d bet?ter g?o and? see ?a doc?tor D?. You? need? to b?e mor?e car?eful ? 答案:C? 滿分:2?分得分:2? 32.I? have? take?n man?y pho?tos. ?I'm g?oing ?to ge?t the? film? ( ).? A. b?eing ?devel?oped ?B. de?velop?ed C.? deve?lopin?g D. ?to be? deve?lop
19、ed? 答案:?B 滿分:?2分得分:?2 33.?It's ?( )th?e dri?est s?ummer?s we ?have ?ever ?known?. A. ?all B?. amo?ng C.? both? D. o?ne of? 答案:?D 滿分:?2分得分:?2 34.?Kate ?works? as( ?)as h?er si?ster.? A. m?ore h?ard B?. har?dly C?. har?der D?. har?d 答案?:D 滿分?:2分得分?:2 35?.-Hel?lo, m?ay I ?talk ?t
20、o Jo?hn pl?ease ?-( ).? A. S?orry,? he i?s bus?y at ?the m?oment? B. N?o, yo?u can?'t C.? Sorr?y, yo?u can?'t D.? I do?n't k?now ?答案:A ?滿分:2分?得分:2 ?36.-D?o you? mind? tell?ing m?e whe?re yo?u're ?from ?-( ).? A. C?ertai?nly. ?I'm f?rom L?ondon? B. S?ure. ?I was? born? in L?ondon? C. C?er
21、tai?nly n?ot. I?'m fr?om Lo?ndon ?D. No?t rea?lly, ?you c?an do? it ?答案:C ?滿分:2分?得分:2 ?37.-E?xcuse? me, ?how c?an I ?get t?o the? capi?tal t?heatr?e -( ?). A.? Ther?e's a? stat?us ne?ar it? B. I?t's o?nly t?wo bl?ocks ?away ?from ?here ?C. I'?ve go?t two? thea?tre t?icket?s for? toni?ght D
22、?. Tur?n rig?ht an?d the?n you?'ll f?ind i?t 答案?:D 滿分?:2分得分?:2 38?.Coul?d you? plea?se te?ll me? ( )y?ou kn?ow ab?out t?he ac?ciden?t(事故)? A. t?hat B?. whi?ch C.? what? D. w?hy 答?案:C 滿?分:2分得?分:2 3?9.-Th?ank y?ou fo?r you?r inv?itati?on an?d the? nice? coff?ee. -?( ). ?A. It?'s no? tro
23、u?ble a?t all? B. I?t was? some?thing? smal?l C. ?But t?he co?ffee ?was n?ot ve?ry go?od D.? My p?leasu?re. I? hope? you'?ll co?me ag?ain ?答案:D ?滿分:2分?得分:2 ?40.-M?ay I ?see t?he me?nu, p?lease? -( )?. A. ?That ?is th?e men?u, si?r B. ?Yes, ?pleas?e go ?on C.? Here? you ?are, ?sir D?. Of
24、?cours?e, si?r 答案?:C 滿分?:2分得分?:2 41?.If t?hey (? )sea?rchin?g, I ?would? have? died?. A. ?have ?given? up B?. gav?e up ?C. ha?d giv?en up? D. h?as gi?ven u?p 答案?:C 滿分?:2分得分?:2 42?.- Do? you ?think? I sh?ould ?study? Japa?nese ?or Fr?ench ?- ( )?. A. ?It's ?your ?own d?ecisi?on B.? No
25、ne? of y?our b?usine?ss C.? It's? up t?o you? D. T?hat's? all ?right? 答案:?C 滿分:?2分得分:?2 43.?Citie?s att?ract ?peopl?e bec?ause ?of th?e ( )?for l?abour? in t?he ma?nufac?turin?g and? serv?ice i?ndust?ries.? A. r?equir?ement? B. c?all C?. int?erest? D. d?emand? 答案:?D 滿分:?2分得分:?2 44.?T
26、hat ?smell?s lov?ely. ?( )de?licio?us fo?od! A?. Whi?ch B.? What? C. W?hat a? D. H?ow a ? 答案:B? 滿分:2?分得分:2? 45.-?This ?pictu?re is? very? nice?, but? I th?ink i?t's t?oo sm?all f?or ou?r roo?m. -(? ). A?. I a?gree.? Let'?s loo?k for? a bi?gger ?one B?. You?'re q?uite ?right?. Wha?t a g?ood
27、 i?dea C?. I a?gree.? Our ?room ?is ve?ry sm?all D?. I a?gree.? Let'?s loo?k for? a ni?cer o?ne 答?案:A 滿?分:2分得?分:2 4?6.-Oh?, sor?ry to? both?er yo?u. -(? ). A?. Tha?t's o?kay B?. No,? you ?can't? C. T?hat's? good? D. O?h, I ?don't? know? 答案:?A 滿分:?2分得分:?2 47.?( )av?erage? wome?n liv?e
28、 lon?ger t?han m?en. A?. By ?B. In? C. O?n D. ?From ? 答案:C? 滿分:2?分得分:2? 48.I? have? no i?dea (? ). A?. whe?re ha?s he ?gone ?B. he? was ?where? C. w?here ?he ha?s gon?e D. ?where? he w?as 答?案:C 滿?分:2分得?分:2 4?9.-Ho?w are? thin?gs wi?th yo?u, Bi?ll -(? ). A?. Hel?lo, S?ue B.? I'm ?t
29、erri?bly b?usy t?hese ?days ?C. Mi?nd yo?ur ow?n bus?iness? D. S?ee yo?u lat?er 答?案:B 滿?分:2分得?分:2 5?0.Thi?rty p?er ce?nt of? meal?s ( )?by fa?milie?s in ?the U?SA ar?e eat?en at? one ?of th?e big? chai?ns. A?. con?sumin?g B. ?consu?med C?. to ?consu?me D.? are ?consu?med ?答案:B ?滿分:2分?得分:2 ?
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- 6.煤礦安全生產(chǎn)科普知識競賽題含答案
- 2.煤礦爆破工技能鑒定試題含答案
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- 3.金屬非金屬礦山安全管理人員(地下礦山)安全生產(chǎn)模擬考試題庫試卷含答案
- 4.煤礦特種作業(yè)人員井下電鉗工模擬考試題庫試卷含答案
- 1 煤礦安全生產(chǎn)及管理知識測試題庫及答案
- 2 各種煤礦安全考試試題含答案
- 1 煤礦安全檢查考試題
- 1 井下放炮員練習(xí)題含答案
- 2煤礦安全監(jiān)測工種技術(shù)比武題庫含解析
- 1 礦山應(yīng)急救援安全知識競賽試題
- 1 礦井泵工考試練習(xí)題含答案
- 2煤礦爆破工考試復(fù)習(xí)題含答案
- 1 各種煤礦安全考試試題含答案