Nanotechnology and Micro-machine
Nanomaterials and nanotechnology have become a magic word in modern society.
Nanomaterials represent today’s cutting edge in the development of novel advanced materials which promise tailor-made functionality and unheard applications in all key technologies. So nanomaterials are considered as a great potential in the 21th century because of their special properties in many fields such as optics, electronics, magnetics, mechanics, and chemistry. These unique properties are attractive for various high performance applications. Examples include wear resistant surfaces, low temperature sinterable high-strength ceramics, and magnetic nanocomposites. Nanostructures materials present great promises and opportunities for a new generation of materials with improved and marvelous properties.
It is appropriate to begin with a brief introduction to the history of the subject. Nanomaterials are found in both biological systems and man-made structures. Nature has been using nanomaterials for millions of years,as Disckson has noted: “Life itself could be regarded as a nanophase system”.Examples in which nanostructured elements play a vital role are magnetotactic bacteria, ferritin, and molluscan teeth. Several species of aquatic bacteria use the earth’s magnetic field to orient thenselves. They are able to do this because they contain chains of nanosized, single-domain magnetite particles. Because they have established their orientation, they are able to swim down to nutriments and away from what is lethal to them ,oxygen. Another example of nanomaterials in nature is that herbivorous mollusks use teeth attached to a tonguelike organ, the radula, to scrape their food. These teeth have a complex structure containing nanocrystalline needles. We can utilize biological templates for making nanomaterials. Apoferritin has been used as a confined reaction environment for the synthesis of nanosized magnetite particles. Some scholars consider biological nanomaterials as model systems for developing technologically useful nanomaterials.
Scientific work on this subject can be traced back over 100 years.In 1861 the British chemist Thomas Graham coined the term colloid to describe a solution containing 1 to 100 nm diameter particles in suspension. Around the turn of the century, such famous scientists as Rayleigh, Maxwell, and Einstein studied colloids. In 1930 the Langmuir-Blodgett method for developing monolayer films was developed. By 1960 Uyeda had used electron microscopy and diffraction to study individual particles. At about the same time, arc, plasma, and chemical flame furnaces were employed to prouduce submicron particles. Magnetic alloy particles for use in magnetic tapes were produced in 1970.By 1980, studies were made on clusters containing fewer than 100 atoms .In 1985, a team led by Smalley and Kroto found spectroscopic evidence that clusters were unusually stable. In 1991, Lijima reported studies of graphitic carbon tube filaments.
Research on nanomaterials has been stimulated by their technological applications. The first technological uses of these materials were as catalysts and pigments. The large surface area to volume ratio increases the chemical activity.Because of this increased activity, there are significant cost advantages in fabricating catalysts from nanomaterials. The peoperties of some single-phase materials can be improved by preparing them as nanostructures. For example, the sintering temperature can be decreased and the plasticity increased on single-phase, structural ceramics by reducing the grain size to several nanometers. Multiphase nanostructured materials have displayed novel behavior resulting from the small size of he individual phases.
Technologically useful properties of nanomaterials are not limited to their structural, chemical, or mechanical behavior. Multilayers represent examples of materials in which one can modify of tune a property for a specific application by sensitively controlling the individual layer thickness. It was discovered that the resistance of Fe-Cr multilayered thin films exhibited large changes in an applied magnetic field of several tens of kOe.This effect was given the name giant magnetoresistance (GMR). More recently, suitably annealed magnetic multilayers have been developed that exhibit significant magnetoresistance effects even in fields as low as 5 to10 Oe (Oersted). This effect may prove to be of great technological importance for use in magnetic recording read heads.
In microelectronics, the need for faster switching times and ever larger integration has motivated considerable effort to reduce the size of electronic components. Increasing the component density increases the difficulty of satisfying cooling requirements and reduces the allowable amount of energy released on switching between states. It would be ideal if the switching occurred with the motion of a single electron. One kind of single-electron device is based on the change in the Coulombic energy when an electron is added or removed from a particle. For a nanoparticle this enery change can be large enough that adding a single electron will effectively blocks the flow of other electrons. The use of Coulombic repulsion in this way is called Coulomb blockade.
In addition to technology, nanomaterials are also interesting systems for basic scientific investigations .For example, small particles display deviations from bulk solid behavior such as reductios in the melting temperature and changes (usually reductions) in the lattice parameter. The changes n the lattice parameter observed for metal and semiconductor particles result from the effect of the surface free energy. Both the surface stress and surface free energy are caused by the reduced coordination of the surface atoms. By studying the size dependence of the properties of particles, it is possible to find the critical length scales at which particles behave essentially as bulk matter. Generally, the physical properties of a nanoparticle approach bulk values for particles containing more than a few hundred atoms.
New techniques have been developed recently that have permitted researchers to produce larger quantities of other nanomaterials and to better characterize these materials.Each fabrication technique has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.Generally it is best to produce nanoparticles with a narrow size distribution. In this regard, free jet expansion techniques permit the study of very small clusters, all containing the same number of atoms. It has the disadvantage of only producing a limited quantity of material.Another approach involves the production of pellets of nanostructured materials by first nucleating and growing nanoparticles in a supersaturated vapor and then using a cold finger to collect the nanoparticle. The nanoparticles are then consolidated under vacuum. Chemical techniques are very versatile in that they can be applied to nearly all materials (ceramics, semiconductors, and metals) and can usually produce a large amount of material. A difficulty with chemical processing is the need to find the proper chemical reactions and processing conditions for each material. Mechanical attrition, which can also produce a large amount of material, often makes less pure material. One problem common to all of these techniques is that nanoparticles often form micron-sized agglomerates. If this occurs, the properties of the material may be determined by the size of the agglomerate and not the size of the individual nanoparticles. For example, the size of the agglomerates may determine the void size in the consolidated nanostructured material.
The ability to characterize nanomaterials has been increased greatly by the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope (STM) and other proximal probes such as the atomic force microscope (AFM), the magnetic force microscope, and the optical near-field microscope.SMT has been used to carefully place atoms on surfaces to write bits using a small number of atmos. It has also been employed to construct a circular arrangement of metal atoms on an insulating surface. Since electrons are confined to the circular path of metal atoms, it serves ad a quantum ‘corral’of atoms. This quantum corral was employed to measure the local electronic density of states of these circular metallic arrangements. By doing this, researchers were able to verify the quantum mechanical description of electrons confined in this way.
Other new instruments and improvements of existing instruments are increasingly becoming important tools for characterizing surfaces of films, biological materials, and nanomaterials.The development of nanoindentors and the improved ability to interpret results from nanoindentation measurements have increased our ability to study the mechanical properties of nanostructured materials. Improved high-resolution electron microscopes and modeling of the electron microscope images have improved our knowledges of the structure of the the particles and the interphase region between particles in consolidated nanomaterials.
1. Introduction
What id nanotechnology? it is a term that entered into the general vocabulary only in the late 1970’s,mainly to describe the metrology associated with the development of X-ray,optical and other very precise components.We defined nanotechnology as the technology where dimensions and tolerances in the range 0.1~100nm(from the size of the atom to the wavelength of light) play a critical role.
This definition is too all-embracing to be of practical value because it could include,for example,topics as diverse as X-ray crystallography ,atomic physics and indeed the whole of chemistry.So the field covered by nanotechnology is later narrowed down to manipulation and machining within the defined dimensional range(from 0.1nm to 100nm) by technological means,as opposed to those used by the craftsman,and thus excludes,for example,traditional forms of glass polishing.The technology relating to fine powders also comes under the general heading of nanotechnology,but we exclude observational techniques such as microscopy and various forms of surface analysis.
Nanotechnology is an ‘enabling’ technology, in that it provides the basis for other technological developments,and it is also a ‘horizontal’or ‘cross-sectional’technology in that one technological may,with slight variations,be applicable in widely differing fields. A good example of this is thin-film technology,which is fundamental to electronics and optics.A wide range of materials are employed in devices such as computer and home entertainment peripherals, including magnetic disc reading heads,video cassette recorder spindles, optical disc stampers and ink jet nozzles.Optical and semiconductor components include laser gyroscope mirrors,diffraction gratings,X-ray optics,quantum-well devices.
2. Materials technology
The wide scope of nanotechnology is demonstrated in the materials field,where materials provide a means to an end and are not an end in themseleves. For example, in electronics,inhomogeneities in materials,on a very fine scale, set a limit to the nanometre-sized features that play an important part in semiconductor technology, and in a very different field, the finer the grain size of an adhesive, the thinner will be the adhesive layer, and the higher will be the bond strength.
(1) Advantages of ultra-fine powders. In general, the mechanical, thermal, electrical and magnetic properties of ceramics, sintered metals and composites are often enhanced by reducing the grain or fiber size in the starting materials. Other properties such as strength, the ductile-brittle transition, transparency, dielectric coefficient and permeability can be enhanced either by the direct influence of an ultra-fine microstructure or by the advantages gained by mixing and bonding ultra-fine powders.
Oter important advantages of fine powders are that when they are used in the manufacture of ceramics and sintered metals, their green (i.e, unfired) density can be greatly increased. As a consequence, both the defects in the final produce and the shrinkage on firing are reduced, thus minimizing the need for subsequent processing.
(2)Applications of ultra-fine powders.Important applications include:
Thin films and coatings----the smaller the particle size, the thinner the coating can be
Electronic ceramics ----reduction in grain size results in reduced dielectric thickness
Strength-bearing ceramics----strength increases with decreasing grain size
Cutting tools----smaller grain size results in a finer cutting edge, which can enhance the surface finish
Impact resistance----finer microstructure increases the toughness of high-temperature steels
Cements----finer grain size yields better homogeneity and density
Gas sensors----finer grain size gives increased sensitivity
Adhesives----finer grain size gives thinner adhesive layer and higher bond strength
3. Precision machining and materials processing
A considerable overlap is emerging in the manufacturing methods employed in very different areas such as mechanical engineering, optics and electronics. Precision machining encompasses not only the traditional techniques such as turning, grinding, lapping and polishing refined to the nanometre level of precision, but also the application of ‘particle’ beams, ions, electrons and X-rays. Ion beams are capable of machining virtually any material and the most frequent applications of electrons and X-rays are found in the machining or modification of resist materials for lithographic purposes. The interaction of the beams with the resist material induces structural changes such as polymerization that alter the solubility of the irradiated areas.
(1) Techniques
1) Diamond turning. The large optics diamond-turning machine at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory represents a pinnacle of achievement in the field of ultra-precision machine tool engineering. This is a vertical-spindle machine with a face plate 1.6 m in diameter and a maximum tool height of 0.5m. Despite these large dimensions, machining accuracy for form is 27.5nm RMS and a surface roughness of 3nm is achievable, but is dependent both on the specimen material and cutting tool.
(2) Grinding
Fixed Abrasive Grinding The term“fixed abrasive” denotes that a grinding wheel is employed in which the abrasive particles, such as diamond, cubic boron nitride or silicon carbide, are attached to the wheel by embedding them in a resin or a metal. The forces generated in grinding are higher than in diamond turning and usually machine tools are tailored for one or the other process. Some Japanese work is in the vanguard of precision grinding, and surface finishes of 2nm (peak-to-valley) have been obtained on single-crystal quartz samples using extremely stiff grinding machines
Loose Abrasive Grinding The most familiar loose abrasive grinding processes are lapping and polishing where the workpiece, which is often a hard material such as glass, is rubbed against a softer material, the lap or polisher, with abrasive slurry between the two surfaces. In many cases, the polishing process occurs as a result of the combined effects of mechanical and chemical interaction between the workpiece, slurry and polished.
Loose abrasive grinding techniques can under appropriate conditions produce unrivalled accuracy both in form and surface finish when the workpiece is flat or spherical. Surface figures to a few nm and surface finishes bettering than 0.5nm may be achieved. The abrasive is in slurry and is directed locally towards the workpiece by the action of a non-contacting polyurethane ball spinning at high speed, and which replaces the cutting tool in the machine. This technique has been named “elastic emission machining” and has been used to good effect in the manufacture of an X-ray mirror having a figure accuracy of 10nm and a surface roughness of 0.5nm RMS.
3) Thin-film production. The production of thin solid films, particularly for coating optical components, provides a good example of traditional nanotechnology. There is a long history of coating by chemical methods, electro-deposition, diode sputtering and vacuum evaporation, while triode and magnetron sputtering and ion-beam deposition are more recent in their wide application.
Because of their importance in the production of semiconductor devices, epitaxial growth techniques are worth a special mention. Epitaxy is the growth of a thin crystalline layer on a single-crystal substrate, where the atoms in the growing layer mimic the disposition of the atoms in the substrate.
The two main classes of epitaxy that have ben reviewed by Stringfellow (1982) are liquid-phase and vapour-phase epitaxy. The latter class includes molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE), which in essence, is highly controlled evaporation in ultra high vacuum. MBE may be used to grow high quality layered structures of semiconductors with mono-layer precision, and it is possible to exercise independent control over both the semiconductor band gap, by controlling the composition, and also the doping level. Pattern growth is possible through masks and on areas defined by electron-beam writing.
4. Applications
There is an all-pervading trend to higher precision and miniaturization, and to illustrate this a few applications will be briefly referred to in the fields of mechanical engineering,optics and electronics. It should be noted however, that the distinction between mechanical engineering and optics is becoming blurred, now that machine tools such as precision grinding machines and diamond-turning lathes are being used to produce optical components, often by personnel with a backgroud in mechanical engineering rather than optics. By a similar token mechanical engineering is also beginning to encroach on electronics particularly in the preparation of semiconductor substrates.
(1) Mechanical engineering
One of the earliest applications of diamond turning was the machining of aluminum substrates for computer memory discs, and accuracies are continuously being enhanced in order to improve storage capacity: surface finishes of 3nm are now being achieved. In the related technologies of optical data storage and retrieval, the tolerances of the critical dimensions of the disc and reading head are about 0.25 μm. The tolerances of the component parts of the machine tools used in their manufacture, i.e.the slideways and bearings, fall well within the nanotechnology range.
Some precision components falling in the manufacturing tolerance band of 5~50nm include gauge blocks, diamond indenter tips, microtome blades, Winchester disc reading heads and ultra precision XY tables (Taniguchi 1986). Examples of precision cylindrical components in two very different fields, and which are made to tolerances of about 100 nm, are bearing for mechanical gyroscopes and spindles for video cassette recorders.
The theoretical concept that brittle materials may be machined in a ductile mode has been known for some time. If this concept can be applied in practice it would be of significant practical importance because it would enable materials such as ceramics, glasses and silicon to be machined with minimal sub-surface damage, and could eliminate or substantially reduce the need for lapping and polishing.
Typically, the conditions for ductile-mode machining require that the depth of cut is about 100 nm and that the normal force should fall in the range of 0.1~0.01N. These machining conditons can be realized only with extremely precise and stiff machine tools, such as the one described by Yoshioka et al (1985), and with which quartz has been ground to a surface roughness of 2 nm peak-to-valley. The significance of this experimental result is that it points the way t