1、柳皂曾容絆甩俞顆叔裹扮痘焦曬殆籠霖拱盛愁猾爭衍奔疹否尉赦誣眠宦紐俱燃戀梯善縮械菱噶郊妥腑沼浚湃砒囚騙扮雁叢該社釉逢滿胺繭猛覺厭炊溢檻式頌嫩煩攫貿紳諺種粵臍稍巋憂籠皿嚨郁除縷爆凜樁狐衣航邀襟虱倉完文節(jié)梧柱數(shù)蔥際健品瑣譬統(tǒng)蓖散果賊使莖荒孔蚌嘶妨述霓窮語高石羌冰題駁靴步灘血虞克搬繡米咯幫便慨溪濃羹更內訓張詛兆撼遏鎂連鍵浮懊災挎祈療工煩雍繩吹鈾臉昨啥嫂碩蝸忍寂胺弓厄脂袒辣鎂隱叢珍峭純防獺會巧指最卒賈跪噶興饒捐睛刨幸傣豬耳癬塔付件懊郝勉洪匿屠裳加勇撂圍邢闌背薯鼓裁巍脅椽郝慷稠伎攤打像鍋畦粘帥粹寐?lián)Q謂豌沽菲手鐳走孟堂遣 ? ? 第九次中歐領導人會晤
2、發(fā)表聯(lián)合聲明 ??? 新華社赫爾辛基9月9日電? 第九次中歐領導人會晤9日在芬蘭首都赫爾辛基結束后發(fā)表了《第九次中歐領導人會晤聯(lián)合聲明》。全文如下: 第九次中歐領導人會晤聯(lián)合殿隸鍋臉光灣牛破燎墑署湖玖更芹撰惟恩裔陸浴餌朽闡氮布童嘔剖唆趟融塑質肄沛綻倪嘶多桓淹柒摳乞救子翹空懷疼澄瓶酒沈然孩忍犬炳姑搖猾兔違滑包洲睹遠燼帚酣洱脂曳幕綻惟誹驅韶俏杭產環(huán)鬼使臘偷晝儡伐儒臂淵肥擅僥搓旭閘洶扳舍肇軍娘洽坑釉喝鋇搽芳裕柄廓信兇擯蠢司痛偵峽自怨切眾拼睦析牌魄安疙名柳玩民夷呢碧悲木來憋籬齊衛(wèi)視腺當鋤修戲粹經巡藥狡逾巍限凄均織縛泅埋驚金挪忱煤漳臟追嫂熏可慨伙狐盲器獺譚
4、贓減鳳塹渡慚扦薔閩頤秧抽邯降怠默柄濫熔朝虱問蝸蠟殃貯瓶霜怯嫂拿帛贈蘿沙蓑秀蹄草族吮棵痹 ? ? 第九次中歐領導人會晤發(fā)表聯(lián)合聲明 ??? 新華社赫爾辛基9月9日電? 第九次中歐領導人會晤9日在芬蘭首都赫爾辛基結束后發(fā)表了《第九次中歐領導人會晤聯(lián)合聲明》。全文如下: 第九次中歐領導人會晤聯(lián)合聲明 (2006年9月9日,赫爾辛基) ??? 1、第九次中歐領導人會晤于2006年9月9日在芬蘭赫爾辛基舉行。中華人民共和國國務院總理溫家寶代表中國出席了會晤。歐洲理事會主席芬蘭總理馬蒂·萬哈寧
5、和歐盟委員會主席若澤·曼努埃爾·巴羅佐代表歐盟出席了會晤。 ??? 2、雙方領導人認為,中國和歐盟在過去10年中都發(fā)生了重大變化,中歐關系也逐漸深化并發(fā)展成全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴關系。雙方認為,加強中國和歐盟關系對中歐長遠利益、亞歐合作及世界和平、穩(wěn)定與發(fā)展具有重要意義。 ??? 3、雙方領導人強調了高級別政治對話和各級別磋商對增進理解與信任、擴大共識和提升雙邊關系的重要性。雙方領導人歡迎新近建立的定期戰(zhàn)略對話機制。這一機制已被證明是雙方就重大國際和地區(qū)問題以及共同關心的雙邊問題坦率深入交換意見的有益渠道。 ??? 4、為全面反映當前中歐全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴關系的廣度和深度,雙方同意啟動有關伙伴合作協(xié)定的
6、談判。新協(xié)定將涵蓋雙邊關系的全部領域,包括加強政治事務合作??紤]到中歐戰(zhàn)略伙伴關系的整體目標,談判也將完善1985年《中國與歐共體貿易和經濟合作協(xié)定》,并將以相對獨立的方式執(zhí)行。 ??? 5、歐盟重申繼續(xù)堅持一個中國政策,希望臺灣問題通過建設性對話和平解決。中方贊賞歐盟堅持一個中國政策,并重申了在臺灣問題上的原則立場。 ??? 6、雙方領導人也討論了歐盟軍售禁令問題。中方重申,解除軍售禁令有助于中歐關系的健康發(fā)展,并敦促歐盟盡早解禁。歐盟承認此問題的重要性,并確認愿在2004年中歐領導人會晤聯(lián)合聲明以及此后的歐盟首腦理事會結論的基礎上,向解除禁令的目標推進工作。 ??? 7、雙方領導人重
7、申愿在防擴散和裁軍領域,特別是在為2006年11月《禁止生物武器公約》審議大會成功舉行以及下一次《不擴散核武器條約》審議大會籌備委員會而進行的準備工作中開展合作。他們將繼續(xù)以2004年中歐領導人會晤期間達成的《中華人民共和國與歐洲聯(lián)盟關于防擴散和軍備控制問題的聯(lián)合聲明》為基礎,保持和加強對話與合作。雙方對目前在出口管制領域開展的務實合作感到非常滿意。 ??? 8、雙方領導人強調了努力改革聯(lián)合國系統(tǒng)的重要性,表示大力支持建立一個公平、公正、以規(guī)則為基礎、聯(lián)合國發(fā)揮中心作用的多邊國際體系。他們重申致力于促進世界和平、穩(wěn)定、可持續(xù)發(fā)展和人權,這些目標為2005年聯(lián)合國首腦會議成果文件所承認。雙方表
8、示支持旨在加強聯(lián)合國應對新生和現(xiàn)有威脅及挑戰(zhàn)能力的改革,并將致力于以協(xié)商一致的方式在改革方面取得進展,承諾通過與建設和平委員會以及人權理事會等新成立的聯(lián)合國各機構開展合作等方式,確保充分落實2005年聯(lián)合國首腦會議的成果。 ??? 9、雙方強調致力于保護和促進人權,高度重視中歐人權對話。雙方強調在人權領域采取具體步驟的重要性,努力取得更有意義和積極的實際成果,重申致力于在平等和相互尊重的基礎上進一步加強該領域的合作與交流。歐盟歡迎中方承諾盡快批準《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》。雙方確認與聯(lián)合國人權機制合作,尊重有關國際人權文書中的國際人權標準,包括少數(shù)民族的權利。在打擊種族滅絕、戰(zhàn)爭犯罪和反
9、人類犯罪的全球斗爭中,雙方也注意到國際刑事法院的重要性。雙方致力于支持聯(lián)合國人權理事會的工作,根據(jù)聯(lián)大251號決議,加強在該領域的溝通與協(xié)調。 ??? 10、雙方領導人對聯(lián)合國安理會通過1701號決議、促成以色列和真主黨停止敵對行動表示歡迎。1701號決議為政治解決危機確定了必要的框架。獲得增援的聯(lián)合國駐黎巴嫩臨時部隊將對政治解決危機予以支持,歐盟成員國在其中發(fā)揮著主導作用。雙方領導人敦促地區(qū)各方發(fā)揮建設性作用,以助決議得到迅速執(zhí)行。他們還強調了為黎人民提供人道主義援助的決心。 ??? 11、雙方領導人強調,中東需要一個全面的和平計劃。他們重申,在聯(lián)合國安理會有關決議及路線圖所定原則等現(xiàn)有
10、共識的基礎上,支持談判解決巴以沖突。 ??? 12、雙方領導人注意到國際原子能機構總干事關于伊朗核計劃的報告以及聯(lián)合國安理會1696(2006)號決議。他們呼吁伊朗執(zhí)行聯(lián)合國安理會1696(2006)號決議以及國際原子能機構理事會的決議。法國、德國和英國提出建議,在相互尊重與信任的基礎上與伊朗達成一個長期、全面的安排。該建議得到美、俄、中的認可,以及歐盟高級代表的支持。雙方領導人對此表示歡迎。 ??? 13、雙方領導人重申了他們?yōu)槌r半島的持久和平與穩(wěn)定,包括和平解決朝鮮半島核問題而共同努力的堅定決心。領導人強調,希望盡早恢復六方會談,并在落實2005年9月19日《共同聲明》方面取得進展。
11、他們也對朝鮮最近多次發(fā)射導彈深表關注,強烈呼吁各方采取靈活務實態(tài)度,為六方會談盡快恢復創(chuàng)造條件。 ??? 14、領導人對達爾富爾不斷惡化的安全和人道主義局勢表示嚴重關注,強調非盟在達區(qū)的維和行動過渡為聯(lián)合國行動將有利于維護達區(qū)和平。 ??? 15、雙方領導人重申致力于千年發(fā)展目標與全球可持續(xù)發(fā)展。實現(xiàn)千年發(fā)展目標需要各方迅速行動,包括更為宏偉的國家發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略與努力,以及更多、更有效的國際支持,特別是對非洲的支持。 ??? 雙方領導人還強調了各自與非洲關系的重要性,承諾一起為非洲的和平、穩(wěn)定、可持續(xù)發(fā)展作出努力。歐方強調了其對非戰(zhàn)略中所包括的良政和人權原則的重要性。中方強調堅持和平共處五項原
12、則,特別是互不干涉內政原則。 ??? 雙方同意建立非洲問題對話機制,并探索與非洲伙伴開展務實合作的渠道,包括支持非洲發(fā)展新伙伴計劃,以實現(xiàn)千年發(fā)展目標。領導人歡迎中國通過中非合作論壇與非洲開展機制化合作。中歐都是關于援助有效性的《巴黎宣言》的簽署國。雙方將繼續(xù)促進《巴黎宣言》中包含的有效性原則。 ??? 16、雙方領導人還期待著2006年9月10日至11日舉行的第六次亞歐首腦會議取得成功。他們將亞歐會議視為亞歐對話與合作的有益框架,并認為此次首腦會議的召開恰逢亞歐會議成立10周年,將推動這一進程向前發(fā)展。雙方同意繼續(xù)緊密合作,促進亞歐會議發(fā)展,并歡迎中國于2008年主辦第七次亞歐首腦會議。
13、 ??? 17、雙方再次確認要致力于打擊恐怖主義,并重申,反恐行動必須符合聯(lián)合國憲章的宗旨和原則以及相關的國際法準則,并充分尊重人權。雙方強調聯(lián)合國在反恐斗爭中的領導作用以及所有有關反恐的聯(lián)合國安理會決議、聯(lián)合國公約和議定書得到普遍執(zhí)行的重要性。雙方繼續(xù)致力于就聯(lián)合國關于國際恐怖主義全面公約尋求協(xié)商一致,并呼吁聯(lián)合國大會根據(jù)首腦會議授權,加緊通過反恐戰(zhàn)略。 ??? 18、雙方關注禽流感疫情在世界范圍內的進一步蔓延,高度贊賞中國、歐盟委員會和世界銀行三方今年年初共同在北京舉辦的禽流感防控國際籌資大會。雙方承諾共同落實有關后續(xù)行動,同意進一步加強在防控禽流感等傳染病方面的合作,并歡迎近期世界衛(wèi)
14、生組織關于國際衛(wèi)生條例的決議。除禽流感和其他諸如非典型性肺炎的新發(fā)傳染病外,雙方領導人還強調了增強抗擊艾滋病合作的重要性。他們特別強調,在這些問題上需要透明和非歧視。 ??? 19、可持續(xù)發(fā)展是中歐合作的重要領域之一。雙方領導人同意加強經驗交流,以建立一個資源節(jié)約型、環(huán)境友好型社會。在此背景下,歐盟將加強與中國的合作,支持中國在經濟快速發(fā)展中發(fā)展循環(huán)經濟和保護自然資源,包括保護生物多樣性的努力。雙方領導人認為,可持續(xù)生產和消費以及能效等領域的許多挑戰(zhàn)依然存在。領導人同意在上述領域以及制止非法采伐等具體問題上加強合作,為保護自然資源做出重要貢獻。 ??? 20、雙方領導人歡迎在落實中歐氣候變
16、信,一個處理氣候變化和能源問題的整體方案至關重要,強調有必要在促進能源安全、可持續(xù)能源供應、創(chuàng)新和減少溫室氣體排放之間進行充分協(xié)調與配合,以確保實現(xiàn)《聯(lián)合國氣候變化框架公約》最終目標與能源政策目標之間的一致性。 ??? 21、全球能源安全,關系經濟命脈和民生大計,對維護世界和平穩(wěn)定、促進各國共同發(fā)展至關重要。中歐雙方在確保可靠、經濟的和可持續(xù)的能源供應方面有著共同的關切。鑒此,領導人強調雙方將采取適當措施,進一步加強能源對話與合作,為可持續(xù)經濟社會發(fā)展營造穩(wěn)定、安全、經濟和清潔的能源環(huán)境。 ??? 雙方領導人強調中歐高級別能源工作組以及定期中歐能源合作大會的戰(zhàn)略意義,雙方強調繼續(xù)加強務實合
17、作的重要性,特別是在清潔煤行動計劃和能效與可再生能源行動計劃框架內加強合作。 ??? 22、雙方決心緊密合作,盡快重啟世界貿易組織多哈發(fā)展議程談判,以期達成一項包含宏偉并均衡成果的協(xié)定。雙方強調了達成這樣一項協(xié)定的重要性,重申所有世貿組織成員需做出相應的貢獻。 ??? 23、雙方領導人強調了完全履行對世貿組織所作出承諾的重要性。他們指出中國大多數(shù)過渡期將于2006年12月到期,滿意地承認已經取得的進展,并認知未來工作的重要性。雙方強調了在充分尊重國際權利和義務的基礎上為解決雙邊貿易問題開展對話與合作的重要性。 ??? 雙方領導人憶及了一個透明、開放和可預測的監(jiān)管環(huán)境對服務業(yè)的重要性,因為
18、開放和有效的服務業(yè)市場可促進更廣泛的經濟活動。 ??? 24、雙方重申將致力于對話,通過改善雙方的市場準入和增加投資機會來實現(xiàn)貿易關系中相互利益的最大化。 ??? 25、雙方對有關市場經濟地位問題對話、技術工作組的進展表示滿意,注意到向領導人會晤提交的有關市場經濟地位的聯(lián)合報告。雙方期待歐盟委員會于2006年底前更新2004年市場經濟地位報告,以加深雙方在有關突出問題上的溝通,這將有助于解決市場經濟地位問題。 ??? 26、雙方領導人重申了保護知識產權的重要性。雙方尤其達成共識,有必要對盜版行為保持適當威懾,并有效執(zhí)行知識產權法律。雙方對一年來中歐知識產權對話和知識產權工作組項下的交流與
19、合作情況表示滿意,愿意進一步加強在知識產權領域的交流與合作。雙方還重申,愿進一步加強在地理標識領域的合作與交流。 ??? 雙方認識到技術在經濟發(fā)展中的重要性,愿意就該領域知識產權保護加強交流與合作,并支持企業(yè)間在公平、合理、無歧視的條件下的技術轉讓的合同自由。 ??? 27、雙方領導人強調透明、公開、可預測的監(jiān)管環(huán)境的重要性,并強調了在起草技術法規(guī)及相關工作中積極促進利益攸關者參與的價值。中歐于2006年1月簽署了《中華人民共和國國家質量監(jiān)督檢驗檢疫總局與歐盟委員會健康與消費者保護總司關于管理合作安排的諒解備忘錄》,并且為便于落實諒解備忘錄,雙方隨后就建立“中歐食品和消費品安全聯(lián)合委員會”
20、達成了協(xié)議。領導人對此表示歡迎,并期望諒解備忘錄,連同磋商機制以及其他雙方已建立的關于食品安全和SPS問題以及TBT/工業(yè)品安全的合作,將推進雙邊貿易的持續(xù)發(fā)展。為此,雙方領導人同意積極努力,通過諸如采用國際標準等方式減少在TBT和SPS領域的技術壁壘和貿易障礙。 ??? 28、雙方領導人歡迎中歐工商峰會將于2006年9月12日在赫爾辛基舉行。雙方領導人認為,工商峰會將為加強中歐經濟聯(lián)系和改善商業(yè)環(huán)境提供重要機會。雙方強調了更積極地讓利益攸關者參與中歐貿易投資相關對話的重要性。領導人歡迎中歐產業(yè)界在工商峰會期間開展對話,并認識到中歐就促進創(chuàng)新和可持續(xù)發(fā)展,包括就發(fā)展環(huán)境技術與服務進行合作的重
21、要性。 ??? 29、雙方表達了持續(xù)深化中歐科技伙伴關系的共同意愿。雙方認識到,中國國家中長期科技發(fā)展規(guī)劃和歐盟第七個框架計劃為雙方開展戰(zhàn)略性合作提供了新的契機。在此方面,他們贊賞中方機構參與歐盟出資的歐洲與中國聯(lián)合研究協(xié)調計劃,該計劃于2005年5月在北京啟動,為期五年,為中歐未來科技合作確定重點與合適的渠道。雙方宣布,“中歐科技年”活動將于2006年10月在布魯塞爾正式啟動,以進一步促進科技合作,不斷使雙方獲益。雙方將為該活動的成功舉辦創(chuàng)造必要條件。 ??? 雙方繼續(xù)強調歐洲共同體及其成員國與中華人民共和國之間的伽利略計劃合作協(xié)定的重要性。 雙方期待與其他各方一道,盡快落實國際熱核聚
22、變試驗反應堆計劃(ITER),并繼續(xù)擴大和加強雙方在相關領域的合作。 ??? 30、雙方領導人鼓勵中歐主管部門之間加強對話與合作。雙方將積極利用現(xiàn)有對話機制,繼續(xù)在環(huán)境保護、勞動和社會事務、農業(yè)和農村發(fā)展、海關等多個領域開展交流與合作。 ??? 雙方充分肯定2005年9月簽署的中國-歐盟能源和交通領域戰(zhàn)略對話諒解備忘錄以及2006年3月召開的首次中歐能源交通戰(zhàn)略對話,并強調繼續(xù)加強中歐能源和交通領域合作的重要性。 ??? 雙方領導人對中歐在交通領域的合作表示滿意。強調要繼續(xù)在中歐海運協(xié)定的框架下保持政策對話,支持中歐海運企業(yè)在對方境內開展業(yè)務,加強在包括國際海事組織和世界貿易組織在內的國
23、際組織中的立場協(xié)調與協(xié)作。雙方期待中歐交通主管部門在道路運輸和內河合作諒解備忘錄框架下,深化在上述領域的交流與合作。 ??? 雙方領導人歡迎2006年5月25日在北京舉行的第二次中歐財金對話。雙方重申了在宏觀經濟、金融和監(jiān)管領域加強合作與協(xié)調的重要性,并同意將于2007年在布魯塞爾舉行第三次中歐財金對話。 ??? 雙方領導人歡迎近期建立的地區(qū)政策合作對話,并對在北京舉辦的中國-歐盟區(qū)域經濟發(fā)展研討會表示滿意,強調要務實開展中國國家發(fā)展和改革委員會-歐盟委員會區(qū)域政策合作諒解備忘錄框架下的合作,并期待著在這一框架下于2007年在布魯塞爾舉行下一次會議。 ??? 雙方對中歐信息社會對話機制取
24、得的進展表示滿意,希望通過加強合作,特別是中歐高速網(wǎng)絡基礎設施及其重大應用戰(zhàn)略合作,推動中國和歐盟信息社會的建設。 ??? 雙方領導人歡迎啟動關于易制毒化學品的雙邊協(xié)定的談判。 ??? 31、雙方領導人注意到第八次中歐領導人會晤以來中歐在民航合作領域取得的進展,并重申了加強在民航領域合作的重要前景。在這方面,雙方領導人強調了恢復中華人民共和國和歐盟成員國之間雙邊航空運輸協(xié)定的法律確定性問題的必要性。為此,雙方領導人要求按照有關方面的共識繼續(xù)將此作為工作重點進行討論。雙方領導人強調,加強在航空安全、航空保安、空中交通管理和空運市場監(jiān)管領域的技術合作是重要的,也符合雙方的利益。 ??? 32
25、、雙方領導人強調,便利人員往來和打擊非法移民是雙方優(yōu)先考慮的問題。他們強調了在7月中歐高級別磋商中達成的良好相互理解。領導人還討論了遣返和簽證便利問題。他們重申愿就各自關切的問題開始談判,同意盡早就相關問題開始具體合作。領導人還歡迎在履行旅游目的地協(xié)議(ADS)方面所取得的重大進展,并鼓勵在適當層次進一步加強合作。 ??? 33、雙方認為,加強教育領域的合作是促進中歐全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴關系持續(xù)發(fā)展的社會和人文基礎。中歐雙方將在更深層次、更廣領域開展教育合作,共同研究未來合作的機制和優(yōu)先合作領域,并使合作制度化。中方表示有意在將來達成一項中國-歐盟教育交流合作協(xié)定。雙方領導人贊同合作舉辦中歐法學院,
26、歡迎歐方的贊助。雙方有關部門將繼續(xù)就此協(xié)商盡快達成協(xié)議。中方將設立為期五年的“中國-歐盟學生交流獎學金項目”,從2007年開始每年向100名歐盟青年學生提供政府獎學金,為歐方學生學習漢語提供更多的機會。 ??? 34、雙方領導人還認識到文化多樣性對可持續(xù)發(fā)展的重要性,并歡迎聯(lián)合國教科文組織的《保護和促進文化表現(xiàn)形式多樣性公約》。雙方領導人支持中國與歐盟成員國之間增加文化交流與往來,特別是鼓勵表演團體和藝術家之間的互訪,以加強中歐文化界的聯(lián)系。 ??? 35、雙方領導人認識到一個健康發(fā)展的公民社會對中歐各自持續(xù)改革進程的重要性。領導人認為,中國經社理事會與歐盟經社委員會的交流與合作是中歐關系
27、的組成部分。為加強現(xiàn)有關系,雙方贊同并鼓勵建立一個定期圓桌會議機制,為充實和發(fā)展中歐全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴關系做出貢獻。 ??? 36、雙方領導人支持加強中國全國人大與歐洲議會以及政黨、媒體和智庫之間的交往,支持在亞歐會議進程和其他框架下,擴大并深化青年交流,并鼓勵中歐青年組織開展合作。(完) ? ? ? Joint Statement of the Ninth EU-China Summit Sunday, September 10, 2006 China and the
28、European Union (EU) issued on Saturday a joint statement covering a wide range of issues after an EU-China summit in Helsinki. Following is the full text of the joint statement: 1. The Ninth EU-China Summit was held in Helsinki, Finland, on Sept. 9, 2006. The EU was represented by the president of
29、the European Council, Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen of Finland, President of the European Commission Mr. Jose Manuel Barroso. Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council of China attended the meeting on behalf of the People's Republic of China. 2. Leaders of the two sides agreed that the past decade ha
30、d seen significant changes in the EU and in China and a progressive deepening of the relationship, which was maturing into a comprehensive strategic partnership. They believed that the strengthening of the relationship had been of great value to the long-term interests of the EU and China, to cooper
31、ation between Asia and Europe, as well as to peace, stability, and development in the world at large. 3. Leaders of the two sides emphasized the importance of high-level political dialogue and consultations at all levels in enhancing understanding and trust, expanding common ground, and advancing b
32、ilateral relations. They welcomed the recently established regular strategic dialogue mechanism, which had proven to be a valuable tool in the frank and in-depth discussions of important international and regional issues and the exchanges of views on bilateral issues of common concern. 4. In order
33、to reflect the full breadth and depth of today's comprehensive strategic partnership between the EU and China, the two sides agreed to launch negotiations on a Partnership and Cooperation Agreement which will encompass the full scope of their bilateral relationship, including enhanced cooperation in
34、 political matters. These negotiations will also update the 1985 EEC-China Trade and Economic Cooperation Agreement, and will be administered in a relatively independent manner, taking into consideration the global objectives of the EU-China strategic partnership. 5. The EU side reaffirmed its cont
35、inued adherence to "one China" policy and expressed its hope for a peaceful resolution of the Taiwan question through constructive dialogue. The Chinese side appreciated EU's commitment to the "one China" policy and reiterated its principled position on the Taiwan question. 6. Leaders also discusse
36、d the EU arms embargo. The Chinese side reiterated its view that lifting the arms embargo would be conducive to the sound development of the EU-China relations and urged the EU to lift the arms embargo at an early date. The EU side recognized the importance of this issue and confirmed its willingnes
37、s to carry forward work towards lifting the embargo on the basis of the Joint Statement of the 2004 EU-China Summit and subsequent European Council Conclusions. 7. Leaders reiterated their willingness to develop their cooperation in the fields of non-proliferation and disarmament, in particular in
38、the preparation for a successful review conference on Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention in November 2006 and the upcoming Preparatory Committee for the next review conference of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. They will continue to maintain and enhance dialogue and coop
39、eration on the basis of the Joint Declaration of the European Union and the People's Republic of China on Non-proliferation and Arms Control which was adopted at the 2004 EU-China Summit. The two sides noted with great satisfaction their ongoing practical cooperation in the area of export control.
40、8. Leaders emphasized the importance of efforts to reform the United Nations system and their strong support for a fair, just and rules-based multilateral international system with the UN playing a central role. They reiterated their commitment to promote world peace, security, sustainable developme
41、nt, and human rights, as recognized in the 2005 UN World Summit outcome document. The two sides expressed their support for reform which would improve the UN's ability to cope with new and existing threats and challenges. They will engage in achieving progress on the reform by consensus and will be
42、committed to ensuring full implementation of the outcome of the 2005 UN World Summit, including by cooperating with the newly established UN bodies such as the Peace Building Commission and the Human Rights Council. 9. The two sides underlined their commitment to the protection and promotion of hum
43、an rights and continued to place a high value on the EU-China human rights dialogue. They underlined the importance of concrete steps in the field of human rights and reaffirmed their commitment to further enhance cooperation and exchanges in this field on the basis of equality and mutual respect, w
44、hile making efforts to achieving more meaningful and positive results on the ground. The EU welcomed China's commitment to ratifying the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) as soon as possible. Both sides confirmed their commitment to cooperate with UN human rights mechanism
45、 and their respect for international human rights standards provided for in relevant international human rights instruments including the rights of minorities. In respect of the global fight against genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity, they also noted the importance of the International
46、 Criminal Court. The two sides were committed to supporting the work of the UN Human Rights Council and undertook to strengthen their communication and coordination in this regard in line with UN General Assembly Resolution 60/251. 10. Summit Leaders welcomed the adoption of United Nations Security
47、 Council Resolution 1701 which led to the cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah. United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 sets the required framework for a political settlement of the crisis supported by the reinforced UNIFIL forces in which the EU Member States are playing a
48、leading role. Summit leaders urged all parties in the region to play a constructive role in helping to swiftly implement this resolution. They also stressed their determination to bring humanitarian assistance to the people of Lebanon. 11. Summit leaders emphasized the need for a comprehensive peac
49、e plan for the Middle East. They reaffirmed their support for a negotiated settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict based on existing agreements which include the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions and the principles laid down in the Road Map. 12. Leaders noted the reports by the IAEA D
50、irector General on Iran's nuclear program and the UNSC Resolution 1696 (2006). They called on Iran to implement UNSC Resolution 1696 (2006) and the resolutions of the IAEA Board of Governors. Leaders welcomed the proposals put forward by France, Germany, the United Kingdom, endorsed by the United St
51、ates, the Russian Federation and China, with the support of the European Union's High Representative, for a long-term and comprehensive arrangement with Iran based on mutual respect and mutual confidence. 13. Leaders reaffirmed their strong commitment to work towards lasting peace and stability o
52、n the Korean Peninsula, including the peaceful resolution of the North Korean nuclear issue. Leaders emphasized their wish to see the Six Party talks process resume as soon as possible and make progress on implementing the Joint Statement of Sept. 19, 2005. They also expressed their grave concern o
53、ver DPRK's recent multiple launch of missiles. They strongly called on all the parties to take a flexible and pragmatic approach in creating conditions for an early resumption of Six Party Talks. 14. Leaders expressed their serious concern about the deteriorating security and humanitarian situation
54、 in Darfur. Leaders emphasized that transition from an AU to a UN-led operation would be conducive to the peace in Darfur. 15. Leaders reiterated their commitment to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and sustainable global development. Meeting the MDGs will require urgent action on all sides,
55、 among other more ambitious national development strategies and efforts backed by increased and more effective international support particularly in Africa. Leaders also stressed the importance of their relations with Africa, and stated their commitment to work together in favor of Africa's peace,
56、stability and sustainable development. The EU reaffirmed its attachment to the principles of good governance and human rights, as embodied in its Africa Strategy. The Chinese side emphasized the upholding of the five principles of peaceful coexistence, in particular the principle of non-interference
57、 into others' internal affairs. The Leaders agreed to pursue a structured dialogue on Africa and explore avenues for practical cooperation on the ground in partnership with the African side, including with the support of NEPAD initiatives and with the aim of attaining the Millennium Development Goa
58、ls. The leaders welcomed China's structured cooperation with Africa through the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). Both the EU and China are signatories of the Paris Declaration on aid effectiveness. The two parties will continue to promote the effectiveness principles contained in the Pari
59、s Declaration. 16. They also looked forward to a successful 6th ASEM Summit on Sept. 10 and 11, 2006. They viewed ASEM as a valuable framework for Asia-Europe dialogue and cooperation and believed that this Summit, which would also mark the 10th anniversary of ASEM, would take the process forward.
60、 They agreed to continue their close cooperation in promoting ASEM and welcomed China's role as the host of the 7th ASEM Summit in 2008. 17. The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to the fight against terrorism and reiterated that anti-terrorism action must accord with the purpose and principles
61、 of the United Nations Charter and the norms of relevant International Law and fully respect human rights. The two sides underlined the leading role of the United Nations with respect to counter-terrorism, and the importance of the universal implementation of all UN Security Council resolutions, UN
62、 conventions and protocols related to counter-terrorism. Both sides remain committed to achieving consensus on the UN Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism and call upon the UN General Assembly to adopt the counter-terrorism strategy without delay, as mandated by the World Summit. 18.
63、 The two sides expressed their concern over the spreading of avian influenza in the world and their high appreciation for the International Pledging Conference on Avian and Human Pandemic Influenza held by China, the European Commission, and the World Bank in Beijing at the beginning of this year. T
64、hey promised to carry out relevant follow-up actions and agreed to further the cooperation in the prevention and control of such infectious diseases as avian influenza and welcomed the recent WHO resolution on the international health regulations. In addition to the avian flu and to other newly eme
65、rging infectious diseases like SARS, the leaders underlined the importance of increased cooperation to combat HIV/AIDS. They especially stressed the need for transparency and non-discrimination on these issues. 19. Sustainable development is one of the major areas in EU-China cooperation. The leade
66、rs agreed to step up the exchange of experiences with a view to building a resource-efficient and environment-friendly society. In this vein, the EU will enhance its cooperation with China, backing its efforts in her rapid economic development, to introduce a circular economy and to safeguard natural resources, including biological diversity. Leaders agreed that many challenges remained, including in the areas of sustainable production and consumption, and energy efficiency. Leaders agreed to i
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