七年級英語新目標上 Unit 8 When is your birthday 全單元教案.doc
《七年級英語新目標上 Unit 8 When is your birthday 全單元教案.doc》由會員分享,可在線閱讀,更多相關(guān)《七年級英語新目標上 Unit 8 When is your birthday 全單元教案.doc(30頁珍藏版)》請在裝配圖網(wǎng)上搜索。
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 七(上)英語Unit 8 When is your birthday? 的教學設計 一、教材分析 (一)本單元的基本要求 《英語課程標準》指出: “英語課程的學習,既是學生通過英語學習和實踐活動,逐步掌握英語知識和技能,提高語言實際運用能力的過程;又是他們磨礪意志、陶冶情操、拓展視野、豐富生活經(jīng)歷、開發(fā)思維能力、發(fā)展個性和提高人文素養(yǎng)的過程?!币虼?,在教學中我們始終要堅持以學生為主體,培養(yǎng)學生自主學習、合作學習的能力,使英語作為學習的載體,培養(yǎng)全面發(fā)展的高素質(zhì)人才。由于本單元的主題是“生日”,與生活聯(lián)系非常緊密,我們要充分開發(fā)課程資源,結(jié)合實際,盡量讓學生參與到課堂中,發(fā)揮他們的積極性和主動性,力圖使學生自己輸入的語言和信息成為主要教學內(nèi)容資源,并成為整個學習過程的中心,真正做到“在用中學,在學中用,學以致用”。同時,我們還要針對本班學生特點,對教材進行整合、取舍并擴充必要材料充實課堂教學內(nèi)容。 (二) 本單元內(nèi)容的知識體系 1、教學內(nèi)容 本單元是Go for it七年級上冊第八單元“When is your birthday?”。本單元的核心話題是談論人的出生日期,主要學習序數(shù)詞的構(gòu)成以及運用序數(shù)詞表示日期的方法;學會運用 when 引導的特殊疑問句詢問日期;學習名詞所有格 ( ’s 所有格 ) 的構(gòu)成和使用。 Section?A?是本單元的重點部分,也是核心教學內(nèi)容,為口語練習課,主要學習日期的詢問與表達;通過談論自己、同學以及父母家人的生日,理解生日更多的含義。它上承Unit 7?的數(shù)字教學,下接Section B與以后有關(guān)日期的英語教學。因此,本部分是前后知識的載體,在本單元以及今后的英語學習中都占重要的地位。Section B的主要內(nèi)容是復習、鞏固“日期的詢問和應答”;學會談論自己、同學以及父母家人的生日;并學會自己安排作息時間。這一部分主要學習如何安排課內(nèi)外的一些活動,非常貼近學生的學習生活。通過互相詢問課內(nèi)外活動的安排日程,不僅可以增進同學之間的了解和友情,而且還能學會合理地安排自己的作息時間,養(yǎng)成有規(guī)律地生活、學習的好習慣。Self check部分引導學生復習、鞏固“詢問和談論日期”的目標語言并運用所學知識安排活動。 2、教材的地位及作用 本單元旨在創(chuàng)造一個輕松、愉快的學習、交流環(huán)境,通過聽、說、讀、寫來培養(yǎng)學生綜合運用所學知識的能力。并讓學生能在“做中學”(learning by doing),通過有限的課堂實踐活動,使學生能根據(jù)實際情景做出正確的反應,能準確表達。 本單元是人教版新目標英語七年級( 上 )第八單元,由Section A , Section B 和 Self Check三大塊組成。主要圍繞“When is your birthday?”這一主題展開各種教學活動,主要學習日期的表達,這是本單元的重點部分,也是核心教學。它上承Unit 7 的數(shù)字教學,包含了相關(guān)日期的英語教學,并為以后的日期的運用打下基礎。因此本單元是前后知識的載體,在本單元以及今后的英語學習中都占重要的地位。 二、學情分析 本單元的主題是詢問和談論日期,圍繞這一主題進行一系列的交際活動,使學生掌握日期的表達法,正確使用 when 引導的特殊疑問句對日期進行詢問。在學習日期的表達法時要先學習序數(shù)詞的構(gòu)成,學生在以前的課程里已經(jīng)學習了基數(shù)詞,對于兩種數(shù)詞之間的區(qū)別一定會令學生感到頭痛,教師要引導學生運用對比的方法,找出構(gòu)成規(guī)律,總結(jié)特殊變化,對比強化記憶。 在本單元的學習過程中,學生要學會談論自己、同學以及父母等的生日。培養(yǎng)學生關(guān)心家人、關(guān)心同學朋友的良好情感品質(zhì),并理解生日更多的含義。本單元交際的話題主要圍繞“When is your/your mother’s/your father’s/ … birthday? My/ Her/ His birthday is------./It’s ------.”和詢問年齡“How old are you?”展開的。一提到生日,學生就會聯(lián)想到生日party、 蠟燭、蛋糕、同學歡聚等浪漫而又輕松熱鬧的場面,是學生感興趣的話題,而Section B部分關(guān)于學校里的一些活動安排也是學生所津津樂道的。因此,創(chuàng)設情景,以興趣刺激學生的學習主動性和交際的主動性,可以讓本單元的教學顯得輕松、有趣,提高學生主動參與課堂活動的積極性。 我們教學的對象是七年級學生,他們學習英語既感到好奇又擔憂,希望能得到他人的肯定。因此,在教學活動中我們要盡量讓他們參與到活動中來,有更多的機會來說英語,減少他們的恐懼感,通過學生間的合作學習,降低他們的學習難度,使他們體驗到成功的喜悅。同時讓學生有機會在實際運用和表達中實踐所學的知識,從而提高他們綜合運用語言的能力,使各層次的學生都有所收獲。 同時,初中學生的抽象思維能力較低,形象思維能力強,但注意力容易分散。我們要選用各種有趣的圖片,學生喜歡的人物和視頻動畫等形式展示,并配以豐富的色彩,從而增強學生的興趣和注意力。教育心理學的有關(guān)研究表明,如果學生對于一件事物有極大的興趣,他們就會排除主觀和客觀的種種消極因素,盡量全身心地投入到知識的學習中去。 三、教學目標 《新課程標準》中關(guān)于基礎教育階段英語課程的總體目標是培養(yǎng)學生綜合語言運用能力,而這種語言運用能力的形式是建立在語言知識、語言技能、情感態(tài)度、學習策略和文化意識的整體發(fā)展基礎上的。通過本單元的學習,我們要讓學生掌握所學目標語言;學會日期 ( 年、月、日 ) 的表達法;在互動的交流中理解生日更多的含義并學會談論自己、同學以及父母家人的生日:學會自己安排作息時間。根據(jù)本以上教學內(nèi)容和學生知識結(jié)構(gòu)及認知特點,本單元的教學目標確定為: (1)知識目標: ① 詞匯: 掌握 January-December的表達; 序數(shù)詞1st-31st . ② 日常交際用語、: When is your birthday? My birthday is …. ③ 語法: 日期表達法 (2) 能力目標: 在一系列的聽說讀寫活動中,訓練學生的邏輯思維,快速反應能力和實踐能力,使學生能熟練應用:When is your birthday? 句型及其回答。 (3)情感目標: ① 對學生進行珍愛生命,尊老愛幼,孝敬父母的傳統(tǒng)道德教育。 ② 進一步提高學生對英語的學習熱情,增強學習興趣。 ③ 培養(yǎng)學生積極與他人合作,參與活動的意識。 (4)學習策略目標: ① 學會如何合理的安排自己的作息時間,做時間的主人。 ② 通過本課的學習,能夠利用自己已掌握的知識完成自我學習及小組合作學習。 ③ 通過和同學合作、交流學會如何交際和關(guān)愛他人。 (5)跨學科學習: ① 藝術(shù):制作小掛歷,生日賀卡等 ② 數(shù)學:計算 ③ 社會實踐:制作自己的日程安排 (6)文化意識:理解東西方過生日的不同習慣 四、重點難點 本單元是在前一單元學習了基數(shù)詞10-31的基礎上,馬上提升到讓學生學習日期(月份、序數(shù)詞1st-31st)的表達法。詞匯量大、跨度大、難度也較大。如何使學生用這些難讀,難記、又單調(diào)的詞匯進行交流與交際,將是本單元的一大挑戰(zhàn)。此外,學生在前面幾單元的學習中雖然接觸過名詞所有格,但在意識上讓他們懂得這一概念,并能熟練而準確地運用他們還是相當有難度的。 五、教法運用 1、任務型教學 (1)詢問父母親的生日; (2)同學生日冊的制作; (3)制作個人信息卡; (4)近期個人活動安排日歷 ; (5)制定學?!坝⒄Z周”活動安排表。 2、情景教學法 課堂教學以情景交際教學法為主,盡量給學生以足夠的聽、說、讀的機會,聯(lián)系課文實際,創(chuàng)設情景,引入討論主題,在交際中學英語。情景的設計注意銜接的自然性,主題的設計強調(diào)知識的漸進性和討論的可行性,并注意情感體驗和概括、推理思維的培養(yǎng)。 3、交際教學法 語言最重要且首先是一種交際體系. 語言教學的目的是目標語的交際能力。學生有規(guī)律地在小組或者倆倆活動中進行信息差意義傳遞活動,學生經(jīng)常從事角色或者課本劇表演,以便使自己的目標語使用適宜于不同的社會語境。課堂材料和課堂活動常常是真實可信的,以反映現(xiàn)實情景和生活需要。 技能一開始就應該是綜合的;特定的活動可能涉及讀、說、聽,也許還有寫。 老師的任務主要是促進交際,其次才是改正錯誤. 老師應該能流利地和恰當?shù)厥褂媚繕苏Z。 六、教具準備 多媒體輔助:用CAI課件輔助教學 七、學法指導 1、學習方法的指導 培養(yǎng)學生觀察力,想象力,記憶力以及思維能力。用生動的課件調(diào)動學生的感官進行聽說讀寫的訓練。 2、學習積極性的調(diào)動 盡量在教學過程中創(chuàng)造一種開放的,和諧的,積極互動的語言氛圍,把課堂變成有聲有色的舞臺,讓學生在樂中學。 3、學習能力的培養(yǎng) 通過相關(guān)的聽說讀寫,游戲,競賽等,培養(yǎng)學生的交際能力,發(fā)展他們的思維能力。 八、課時安排 第1課時:Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c & 2a 第2課時:Section A: 2b,2c,2d, 3a, 3b & 4 第3課時:Section B: 1, 2a, 2b, 2c & Self-check: 3 第4課時:Section B: 3a, 3b & 4 九、分課時教學計劃 Go for it(Grade Seven): Book I: Unit 8 When is your birthday? Period 1 Section A: 1a, 1b, 1c & 2a I. Teaching objectives: 1. Knowledge objectives: (1) Ss will be able to master the words of twelve months. (2) Ss will be able to master the ordinal numbers 1st to 31st. (3) Ss will be able to use “When” questions and talk about dates. 2. Ability objectives: Ss will be able to talk about their own birthdays and ask people about their birthdays. 3. Emotional objectives: Ss will know something about their classmates’ birthday, which as a result, will help them know better and more about their classmates and build better friendship. 4. Cultural awareness objectives: Ss will be able to know the different ways of celebrating birthday between China and western countries. II. Learning and teaching focus: 1. The words of twelve months. 2. The words of ordinal numbers 1st to 31st. 3. The expressions of talking about people’s birthdays. III. Anticipated difficulties: Though Ss have already learned about cardinal numbers, they may still be confused about ordinal numbers, which may hinder them from expressing dates properly. And the words of the twelve months are absolutely new to the students. It will be hard for the students to master all the words in limited time. Hence, students may have difficulties in expressing dates and talking about people’s birthdays. Solutions: a) Try to provide students more opportunities to practice; b) Guide students to summarize the rules of changing cardinal numbers to ordinal numbers. IV. Teaching aids: Multi-media equipments V. Teaching methods 1. Task – oriented method. 2. Communicative approach. 3. Situation – experienced method. VI. Teaching procedures Step 1. Warming up & Lead – in 1. Play a short video named “Months” before class. Let students enjoy it and try to sing after the song. 2. Lead in the new lesson by talking about birthday cake. T: Now boys and girls, class begins. Today we are going to learn a new unit ------ Unit 8 When is your birthday? Do you know the word “birthday”? Ss: 生日。 T: Right. Every one has their own birthday. (Write the word “birthday” on the blackboard and teach it.) What do you usually do on your birthday? Ss: … T: Good. We usually sing songs. Now let’s enjoy the song together. (Play the flash “Happy Birthday to You”. Let students sing after it.) T: Well done! I can’t sing as well as you. Now tell me, what else do we usually do on birthday? Ss: … T: Good idea! We usually eat birthday cake. Look at here. (The teacher points to the screen.) Here is a big birthday cake. Can you guess how much it is? (Let students guess the price of the birthday cake.) (Design purpose: Let students enjoy the two flashes can create a relaxing learning atmosphere, which will get students to learn English happily and willingly. Besides, the flash “Months” can give students an impression of the twelve months. While the guessing price task will help students review the cardinal numbers they already learned, which will make the learning of the ordinal numbers easier.) Step 2. Presentation T: Well done. Now we’ve known the price of the cake, but do you know who will get the cake? Ss: … T: Well, it’s for one of my friend. Today is her birthday. Whose birthday is today? Put up your hand. (If there’s any students put up their hands, guide students to say happy birthday to them. If not, then ask “When is your birthday?”) You see, every one’s has birthday, but our birthday may be different from our friends. When is your birthday? (Write the sentence “When is your birthday?” on the board. Then show a picture with a boy and the word “January” on the screen. Guide students to say “My birthday is in January.” And show students’ answer on the screen.) T: So this boy’s birthday is in January. How about yours? How much months are there in a year? What are they? (Show the twelve months on the screen, and teach them one by one.) (Design purpose: Before teaching the months, I’ll teach students the sentence patterns “When is your birthday?” and “My birthday is in …”. In this way, students will have more chance to practice the sentence patterns. Besides, I show the phonetics of the words and let students read these words after the recorder. This will help them pronounce these words more correctly.) Step 3. PK games Show the twelve months randomly and quickly. Let students try to say them correctly. (Design purpose: This activity can make students try to master the twelve months actively and quickly. Students will be glad to take part in the PK games, and when they are competing with each other, they’re mastering the new words, too.) Step 4. Ordinal numbers learning T: Now we can tell the twelve months quite well, but can you tell me which month of the year your birthday is in? Ss: … T: Well, let me show you. Look at the screen. Here are twelve months. And we can say “January is the first month of a year.” How about the other months? Can you tell me? (Teach the words “first” to “twelfth” by talking about the months in the same way as “January”.) T: So we can say first to twelfth now. Do you still remember the numbers 1to 30? Ss: Yes. T: Then, let’s count them. (Let students say the numbers from one to thirty one by one.) T: You see, these numbers are cardinal numbers. And there’s another kind of numbers. They’re ordinal numbers. Let’s count them from first to twelfth. Ok? (Let some other students say first to twelfth one by one.) T: Well, now we can say ordinal numbers from first to twelfth. Can you say the other numbers? Take out your English book and turn to page 48. Look at the numbers in the chart of 2a. I’ll play the recording of it. Listen and repeat, please. (Play the recording. Students read after it and try to learn the rest ordinal numbers.) T: Now look at the screen. Here are the cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers. Can you find out the rules of changing cardinal numbers into ordinal numbers? Work in pairs and try to summarize the rules. (Ss work in pairs. After a few minutes, invite some students to tell their discussing results. And then the teacher shows the rules to the class and helps them remember them.) (Design purpose: The activity 2a only provides students an opportunity to listen and read the ordinal numbers from first to thirty – first. Students will not get a clear idea towards ordinal numbers and it may be difficult for them to master them. And they may get confused about some numbers. But when we give students time to summarize the rules of changing numbers from cardinal numbers to ordinal numbers, students will have a better understanding towards them. And we use the twelve months to teach the numbers first to twelfth can teach the ordinal numbers lively and revise the twelve months impressively. Besides, the three conversations in activity 1b are mainly about birthdays, that is to say, about dates. If we don’t teach the ordinal numbers, students may have difficulties in understanding the conversations, so we’d better do activity 2a first.) Step 5. Group competition Divide the students into four groups and show different ordinal numbers on the screen. Let students say the numbers quickly. The group of the students who say more numbers wins. (Design purpose: When students learn something new, we’d better provide them chance to use it. Group competition can greatly stimulate students’ interests of using and remembering the ordinal numbers they just learned. And it will make English learning more interesting.) Step 6. Listening T: Good. Now we’ve known how to say months and ordinal numbers, but can you say dates? Some students are talking about their birthdays. Let’s try to get the dates. OK? Ss: OK. T: Well, please pay attention to 1a. Read the three conversations quickly. I’ll play the recording in five seconds. Listen carefully and try to number them one to three as you hear them. (Play the recording for the first time.) T: Can you number them? (Play the recording again if necessary. Then, check the answers.) T: Now I’d like to play the recording for one more time. Listen and read after it. Pay attention to the intonation and stress, please. (Play the recording for the last time and students read after it.) (Design purpose: Listening activity can not only train students listening ability, but also help them understand the target language better. As we have input enough information about dates and “when” questions, it will be easy for students to understand the listening material, so we may only let students listen to the conversation for one time and let them number the conversations. However, we can use the time we saved to make students to imitate the conversations. And by doing this, students’ listening and speaking abilities will be both developed.) Step 7. Pairwork Let students work in pairs and talk about their birthdays by using the sentence patterns as below: A: When is your birthday? B: My birthday is ….. (Design purpose: After students mastering how to expressing dates, we’d better give them chance to practice what they learned. This activity gives students a real communicative environment to use the target language and helps students master the new sentence patterns and words better.) Step 8. Practice 1. Let students read the following dates in English: 1月15日 4月30日 7月8日 10月1日 5月29日 2月14日 2. Let students complete the following three conversations according to the hints. (1) When is your birthday? My birthday is ____ the ___. (6月1日) (2) When ___ your birthday? My birthday is ________the _____. (12月8日) (3) When ____ your birthday? It is ____ the _________. (3月29日) (Design purpose: For this period, our mainly objective is enabling students to talk about dates. So the consolidate exercise is quite necessary to test if we have successfully achieved our objectives. If not, we should try to help students understand the knowledge learned in this period better in next period.) VII. Homework: 1. Listen and imitate the 3 conversations in 1b. 2. Ask about your family’s birthday 3. Try to find out the dates of the festivals you know in a year. VIII. Blackboard presentation Unit 8 When is your birthday? Months 1. January Jan. 7. July Jul. 2. February Feb. 8. August Aug. 3. March Mar. 9. September Sep. 4. April Apr. 10. October Oct. 5. May May. 11. November Nov. 6. June Jun. 12. December Dec. My birthday is …. Go for it(Grade Seven): Book I: Unit 8 When is your birthday? Period 2 Section A: 2b,2c,2d, 3a, 3b & 4 I. Teaching objectives: 1. Knowledge objectives: 1. Students will be able to master the following new words: birth, age, old. 2. Students will be able to understand and use the sentence patterns well: (1) ---When is your birthday? --- It’s …. (2) --- How old are you? --- I’m …. 2. Ability objectives: 1. Students will be able to learn to use the possessive case of nouns. 2. Students will be able to talk about people’s ages and birthdays. 3. Students will be able to make their own ID cards. 3. Emotional objectives: Ss will try to remember the birthday of family members and give them a present. 4. Cultural awareness objectives: Students will be told that the westerners don’t like people talk much about their ages, especially the old. II. Learning and teaching focus: 1. Ordinal numbers 1st to 31st. 2. Oral practice using the target language III. Anticipated difficulties: The usages of the possessive case of nouns might obstruct students from using the target language appropriately so that they might fail to communicate in English successfully. Solution: Guide students to do different tasks to use the possessive case of nouns. IV. Teaching methods 1. Task – oriented method. 2. Communicative approach. 3. Situation – experienced method. V. Teaching aids: Multi-media equipments VI. Teaching procedures Step 1. Warming – up Play a short video “I love spring” before class. T: Glad to see you again, boys and girls. Before today’s lesson, let’s enjoy a song. Listen and sing after it. Then, tell me the months you hear in this song. (Design purpose: Before class, playing a short video can easily focus students’ attention in English – learning. And the video is quite funny, students will be glad to see it. When the class begins, we can ask students to say the months mentioned in the video, which can help them review the twelve months learned in previous lesson. And doing this can better remind students about months and festivals.) Step 2. Eye – challenging Show five famous stars on the screen. Let students watch carefully and try to catch the dates of their birthday and try to talk about them. (Design purpose: This activity can easily arouse students’ stimulus of attending class activities, for the stars are quite familiar to them and most of them like them much. So this activity can make the classroom teaching more interesting and can activate students’ knowledge about dates.) Step 3. Listening T: Congratulations! Group X is the winner. Now let’s do a listening activity and see who can do the best. A teacher is trying to fill in the class calendar and he is asking some of his students. Let’s listen carefully and circle the numbers you here in 2a. First, let’s listen for what they mainly talk about. (Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen and try to get the main idea.) T: What are they talking about? Ss: Birthday. T: Right. Now let’s listen again more carefully and circle the numbers you here in 2a. (Play the recording again. Students try to circle the numbers they here. Then, check the answers with the class. And if necessary, give students one more chance to listen to the conversation.) T: Well done! You can get the numbers quickly. Let’s listen to the conversation again. This time, please match the names, months and days. Let’s see who do the best. (Play the recording again and let students match the names, months and days in 2c. Play the recording again if necessary, and then check the answers with the class.) (Design purpose: Ss have already learned the twelve months, the ordinal numbers 1st to 31st and expressions about talking about birthday. It will not be so difficult for them to do the listening activities. So this time, we don’t need to input too much information before listening, but only tell them it’s a conversation between a teacher and students.) Step 4. Pairwork 1. Let students work in pairs and ask and answer questions like below: When is your father’s birthday? His birthday is … When is your mother’s birthday? Her birthday is … When is your friend’s birthday? Her/ His birthday is… 2. Show the three ID cards in 3a on page 49 and let students talk about them using the sentence patterns as below: (1) ---When is your birthday? --- It’s …. (2) --- How old are you? --- I’m …. 3. Ask students to make conversations about their own birthdays and their ages. (Design purpose: This activity provides students oral practice using target language and learning new sentence patterns, especially the use of the possessive case of nouns.) Step 5. Survey 1. Let students work in groups and ask their groupmates about their ages and birthdays. 2. Have students ask five classmates their birthdays and ages. Tell who is the youngest and who is the oldest. Then, ask three to five students to give reports about their survey results. (Design purpose: This activity gives students opportunities to practice the target language learned in this period, which keeps a good balance between language input and output. Students will feel quite well when they find they can successfully talk about people’s ages and birthdays freely in English.) Step 6. Presentation & Quick response 1. S- 1.請仔細閱讀文檔,確保文檔完整性,對于不預覽、不比對內(nèi)容而直接下載帶來的問題本站不予受理。
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- 七年級英語新目標上 Unit When is your birthday 全單元教案 年級 英語 新目標 單元 教案