2019-2020年滬教版語文二年級《大海那邊》說課設計 一、教材分析 《大海那邊》是一則語言活潑、生動有趣的童話故事,課文按“早晨—中午—夜晚”的時間順序,講述了三只小螃蟹對大海那邊是什么的認識。文章貼近學生的生活,富有兒童情趣。 二、學情分析 學生經(jīng)過兩年的學習,已經(jīng)學會了許多自主學習生字的好方法。生字的學習對于他們來說,并不是難題。只是在書寫過程中,經(jīng)常會有學生由于粗心而寫錯字,這就要求教師在教學過程中針對一些易寫錯的字著重進行指導。 在閱讀方面,多數(shù)學生能做到讀準字音,不加字,不漏字,按標點停頓,把課文讀正確,讀流利。隨著識字量的不斷增加,朗讀水平的質(zhì)也有了提高,能通過朗讀理解課文的內(nèi)容。大部分學生通過朗讀對課文能有自己的認識與見解。 三、教學目標 (一)知識目標:認識生字8個,積累7個詞語和2個句子。 本課要求認識“玫,瑰,灘,末,賽,漆,粉,笛”8個生字,這些生字對于學生來說并沒有難度。積累詞語時,分清玫瑰色是一種顏色,玫瑰花是一種花?!捌帷痹跁鴮憰r,非常容易把右下部分寫成“水”,這是學生常犯的一個錯誤。教師在教學中,著重提醒,指導正確書寫。新教材識字量大,教師更應注重以新帶舊,對以往的知識進行復習和鞏固。 (二)能力目標: 1、正確、流利、有感情地朗讀課文。 2、指導學生帶著問題邊讀邊思并劃出有關(guān)詞句的閱讀方法,培養(yǎng)學生思維和表達的能力。 本篇課文是一則童話故事,語句優(yōu)美,畫面形象。在讀通,讀熟的基礎(chǔ)上,借助生動形象的畫面,激發(fā)起學生強烈的讀文渴望。教師在課堂中創(chuàng)設輕松,愉快的學習氛圍,采用多種形式朗讀,是學生越讀越好,越讀越加深對課文內(nèi)容的理解和體驗。本課繼續(xù)運用邊讀邊想的方法學習課文,養(yǎng)成良好的閱讀習慣。良好的閱讀習慣并不是一朝一夕養(yǎng)成的,而是靠平時的點點滴滴。教學中,學生每讀一遍課文,教師都應提出非常明確的要求,讓學生帶著問題有的放矢地去閱讀,邊讀邊學會去思考,去尋求問題的答案。長此以往,學生才會養(yǎng)成良好的閱讀習慣。 3、能帶著問題,展開合理的想象。 想象是智慧的翅膀,想象力是激發(fā)創(chuàng)造力的基礎(chǔ)。文中最后一句話,留給大家更多的想象空間。要求學生帶著這個問題,展開合理想象,發(fā)散自己的思維,同時,鍛煉自身的語言組織能力與表達能力。 (三)情感目標:通過課文內(nèi)容及精彩畫面,激發(fā)學生熱愛大自然的感情。并在老師的指導下感悟人生,培養(yǎng)寬容豁達的精神觀。 四、教學過程設計說明 根據(jù)單元目標和學生特點,教學設計重在讓學生能從讀中感悟文本內(nèi)容,以讀為主線,讓學生每一次讀都有收獲,成為學習的主人. (一)活動導入,激發(fā)興趣 以學生感興趣的游戲開始,溫習了各種小動物的聲音,并自然地加以動作演示,自然地過渡到課文的主角:小螃蟹,并學習兩種象聲詞和生字鉗。接著揭題(媒體:小螃蟹夸你們真好學!今天,它給大家?guī)砹艘粋€有趣的故事——52、《大海那邊》揭題) 創(chuàng)設這樣的情景,縮短了文本與學生之間的距離,激發(fā)了興趣,吸引了學生的注意力,關(guān)注了學生的心理體驗,產(chǎn)生良好的閱讀期待,達到“課伊始,趣亦生”的目的。 (二)整體感知,情境識字 這一環(huán)節(jié),通過多媒體課件來渲染烘托氣氛,讓學生在輕松愉快的氛圍中感知課文,初步獲得對文本內(nèi)容的感性認識。隨后,讓學生暢談自己對本課的初步認識和體驗,隨著學生的交流,自然呈現(xiàn)文中的8個生字(媒體),通過創(chuàng)設情境來識記。 在學習生字的基礎(chǔ)上,最后通過游戲的形式鞏固這些字詞。 1、優(yōu)化了識字教學。根據(jù)本冊教材的編寫理念,在教學“玫瑰、漆黑”時,采用了色彩顯現(xiàn)法;教學“咔嚓 噗?!?時又采用了音響模擬法。這種情景的創(chuàng)設,在學生頭腦中建立起直觀印象,觸發(fā)了學生的感官,激起了學生的好奇,使識字教學真正得到了優(yōu)化。 2、優(yōu)化了寫字教學。教材中強調(diào)了“識寫分流”這一編寫理念。在“識寫分流”的同時,應具有“識寫合流”的意識,對筆畫較多,易寫錯的字當場指導并板書,讓學生聽得耳熟,看得眼熟,使寫字教學得到了落實。 (三)反復吟誦,研讀品味 本課的能力目標:指導學生帶著問題邊讀邊思并劃出有關(guān)詞句的閱讀方法。要求圍繞:“三只小螃蟹分別認為大海那邊是什么地方?為什么會有這樣的想法?”這一問題,用自己喜歡的方式,讀讀課文,劃出相關(guān)的句子。 《語文課程標準》指出:閱讀是一種個性化的行為。用自己喜歡的方式讀,體現(xiàn)了以學生為主,尊重學生的選擇,尊重學生內(nèi)心的需求 。 通過多種形式的朗讀,尊重學生在學習過程中的獨特感受,引導學生進一步感知課文內(nèi)容,在寬松、和諧、民主的氛圍中,學生自主學習,敢讀敢說,大膽表現(xiàn)自己。 (四)發(fā)揮想象,拓展延伸 這一環(huán)節(jié)通過小組合作師生互動的方式,鼓勵學生合理展開想象,大膽交流他們覺得大海那邊到底是什么?同時在討論的過程中注意到用語的禮貌和培養(yǎng)傾聽習慣。同時也借助媒體出示四幅圖片以啟發(fā)學生的思維。這樣設計,一方面回歸整體;另一方面,既為學生提供了語言實踐的機會,又為他們創(chuàng)設了想象的空間,培養(yǎng)其思維和表達的能力。 (五)分享格言,感悟人生。 通過游戲的方式,讓學生自由排序,最后點出人的胸懷是無比寬闊的。引用雨果的經(jīng)典格言讓學生對于大海有更深一層次的感悟,在精神層面上得到教育。 附送: 2019-2020年滬教牛津版五年級英語下冊期末試卷 一、詞組互譯 1. 參觀日本 2. on duty 3. 度周末 4. glow at night 5. 向他學習法語 6. talk about 7. 向左轉(zhuǎn) 8. of course 9. 繁忙的一天 10. in a primary school 二、按要求寫單詞 1. city(復數(shù)) 2. right(反義詞) 3. family(復數(shù)) 4. there(同音詞) 5. tooth(復數(shù)) 6. Ive(完全形式) 7. Nancy(所有格) 8. catch(現(xiàn)在分詞) 9. hot(反義詞) 10.go(第三人稱單數(shù)) 三、根據(jù)句意,填寫合適的單詞或短語,將下列句子補充完整 1. Theres no time for breakfast. I can some bread with me. 2. Im an American visitor. Im a visitor from . 3. Im busy from morning to . Im really busy. 4. Peter is from Japan. He is . 5. Classes at 7:00 in the morning. Classes are over at 5:00 in the afternoon. 四、從Ⅱ欄中選出與Ⅰ欄相配的句子,將序號寫在題前的括號里 Ⅰ Ⅱ ( )1. Do you want to join me? A. No, I dont. But I sing beautifully. ( )2. Do you dance beautifully? B. Yes, I do. I like jumping. ( )3. Wheres Nancy from? C. Yes, she does. She speaks English, too. ( )4. Does WangYing speak French? D. He usually takes photos. ( )5. What does he usually do on Sundays? E. Shes from England. 五、選擇最佳答案,將序號寫在題前的括號里 ( )1.I to school on foot, he to school by bike. A. goes, goes B. go, go C. go, goes D. goes, go ( )2.I like PE, I jump very high. A. dont, cant B. cant, cant C. doesnt, dont D. doesnt, cant ( )3.He like PE . He jump very high. A. dont, cant B. cant, cant C. doesnt, dont D. doesnt, cant ( )4.I seven lessons every day, but he only five. A. have, has B. have, have C. has, have D. has, has ( )5. your hands your head and turn left and right. A. Put, on B. put, on C. Touch, with D. touch, with ( )6. your feet your hands. A. Put, on B. put, on C. Touch, with D. touch, with ( )7.He is busy seven in the morning ten at night. A. form, to B. from, to C. to, from D. from, from ( )8.I English Tom. A. learn, to B. learn, from C. teach, from D. learn, a lot ( )9.My mother is a housewife, she does all the and . A. cooking, cleaning B. cooking, clean C. cook, clean D. clean, cooking ( )10.Its half six. A. past B. to C. in D. at ( )11.Its eleven forty-nine(11:49). Its eleven twelve. A. past B. to C. in D. at ( )12.Nancy and David are from the same , and Ben and Liu Tao are from different . A. country, country B. country, countries C. countries, country D. countries, countries ( )13.– How you spend your weekends, Yang Ling? – I often to the park. A. do, goes B. does, go C. does, goes D. do, go ( )14.–How Yang Ling spend her weekends? –She often to the park. A. do, goes B. does, go C. does, goes D. do, go ( )15.–Are you ready breakfast? –Not yet, mum. Im my teeth. A. to, brushing B. for, brushing C. to, brush D. for, brush 六、用所給單詞的適當形式填空 1. They are from different ________(family). 2. The _______(child) are talking to their teacher. 3. Her brother, Jim,_______ ( live) in China. 4. He ____(have)a round face and blue______( eye). 5. My ______(sister) hobby is travelling around the world. 6. Look! The boy_______(catch) crickets under the tree. 7. The grasshopper with long _______(leg) can jump high. 8. Listen to the teacher____(careful) in class. 9. I can see two _______(china) students in the playground. 10. How______ your father______(spend)_______ (he) weekends? 七、翻譯句子,每空一詞 1. 我想?yún)⒂^蘇州園林和北京的長城。 I want to ______ the ______in Suzhou and the _______ _______ in Beijing. 2. 許多男孩喜歡蟋蟀因為它們勇敢善戰(zhàn)。 Many boys like_____because they’re _______ and they _______to ________. 3. 有時,我在周末打掃房間、洗衣服。 _______, I_____ the rooms and ______ the ______at the weekends. 4. 她經(jīng)??磩赢嬈?,在公園里捉昆蟲。 She often _______ ______ and _______ _______in the park. 5. 我正在洗臉、刷牙。 I’m_______my ________ and _______my _________. 6. 學生們正努力服從老師的指令。 The students ______ ________to _________the _______. 7. 你喜歡上網(wǎng)嗎? 不, 我不喜歡。 Do you _____ _______ the _______? No, I ______. 8. 她正在給她的好朋友寫一個郵件。 She’s _____ an ______ to her_______ _______. 9. 我們都喜歡英語, 我們有共同的愛好。 We_____ ______English. We have the ______ ______. 10.她做好吃的食品,種漂亮的花。 She ______ _______ food and grows _______ _______. 八、句型轉(zhuǎn)換 1. My mother likes growing the flowers. (否定句) 2. His parents often go to the park on Sunday. (否定句) 3. He has a lot of storybooks. (一般疑問句) 4. His father is watching TV in the sitting room. (一般疑問句) 5. Nancy likes playing volleyball. (用surf the Internet改為選擇疑問句) 6. Mr. Green is from England. (同義句) 7. It’s Wednesday today. (劃線提問) 8. Miss Li usually goes to work by bike. (劃線提問) 9. My mother usually does some cleaning on Sunday. (劃線提問) 10. They often go to the cinema at the weekends. (劃線提問) 九、閱讀理解 A: What’s the time now? B: It’s four fifteen. A: What are the students of Class Two doing? B: They are cleaning their classroom. A: What are Li Hong and Wei Fang doing? B: Li Hong is cleaning the doors. Wei Fang is standing on the chair. She’s cleaning the windows. A: What are the others doing? B: Some boys are sweeping the floor. Some girls are cleaning the desks and chairs. ( )1. It’s 4:50. ( )2. The students are playing games. ( )3. Li Hong is cleaning the doors. ( )4. Wei Fang is cleaning the doors, too. ( )5. Some boys are sweeping the floor. Some girls are cleaning the desks and chairs. 期末測試 答案 一、詞組互譯 1. visit Japan 2. 值日 3. spend the weekend 4. 在夜間發(fā)光 5. learn French from him 6. 討論 7. turn left 8. 當然了 9. a busy day 10. 在一所小學 二、按要求寫單詞 1. cities 2. left / wrong 3. families 4. their 5. teeth 6. I have 7. Nancy’s 8. catching 9. cold 10.goes 三、根據(jù)句意,填寫合適的單詞或短語,將下列句子補充完整 1. take 2. America 3. night 4. Japanese 5. begin 四、從Ⅱ欄中選出與Ⅰ欄相配的句子,將序號寫在題前的括號里 B A E C D 五、選擇最佳答案,將序號寫在題前的括號里 C A D A A C A B A A B B D C B 六、用所給單詞的適當形式填空 1. families 2. children 3. lives 4. has, eyes 5. sister’s 6. is catching 7. legs 8. carefully 9. Chinese 10. does, spend, his 七、翻譯句子, 每空一詞 1. visit, gardens, Great Wall 2. crickets, brave, like, fight 3. Sometimes, clean, wash, clothes 4. watches cartoons, catches insects 5. washing face, brushing teeth 6. are, trying, follow, orders 7. like, surfing, Internet, don’t 8. writing, e-mail, good, friend 9. all, like, same, hobby 10.cooks, nice, beautifully flowers 八、句型轉(zhuǎn)換 1. My mother doesn’t like growing the flowers. 2. His parents don’t often go to the park on Sunday. 3. Does he have a lot of storybooks? 4. Is his father watching TV in the sitting room? 5. Does Nancy like playing volleyball or surfing the Internet? 6. Mr. Green es from England. 7. What day is it today? 8. How does Miss Li usually go to work? 9. What does your mother usually do on Sunday? 10. What do they often do at the weekends? 九、閱讀理解 F F T F T- 1.請仔細閱讀文檔,確保文檔完整性,對于不預覽、不比對內(nèi)容而直接下載帶來的問題本站不予受理。
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- 大海那邊 2019 2020 年滬教版 語文 年級 大海 那邊 設計